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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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86Community History, Zearing, Iowa

homes. The first Mass was offered in the home of William H. Gogerty on October 31, 1901. Funerals for Bernard Richard Gogerty and Cecile Z. Gogerty were held in the Evangelical Church in Zearing. Bernard Richard Gogerty died on March 24, 1907. Cecile Z. Gogerty died on April 15, 1907.

Holy Mass was celebrated in the hall over Clift's store from 1904 until 1908. Father L. D. Tobin was appointed pastor in 1906.

The corner stone for St. Gabriel's Church, located on north Center Street, Zearing, was laid on June 29, 1908. In the spring of 1909, Archbishop J. J. Keane of Dubuque, Iowa, presided at the dedication ceremonies.

The pastors who have served St. Gabriel's Church are:

1901-06Dennis Lundin
1906-20L. D. Tobin
1920-35Fred J. Frein
1935-39J. P. Connell
1939-44C. E. Drummy
1944-45A. C. Scannell Adm.
1945-54Joseph Murphy
1955-56Robert V. Swift
1956Conrad R. Schallau
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