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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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Community Churches81

The church was immediately rebuilt. The new building was dedicated on November 7, 1902.

Dedication Program
Sermon—Bishop Dubs
Chorister—C. H. Beach
Organist—Myrtle Galbreath
Sopranos—Orla Wright, Bertha Clift, Maude Albright, Ina Higgason, Alice Helson, Vida Johnson, Orpha Higgason, Ruby Helson, Daisy Fleming Couser
Altos—Mabel Clift, Cora Albright, Lulu Wickham, Dottie Roberts, Goldie Johnson
Tenors—Edgar Wright, Arthur P. Couser, James A. Roberts, Elmer Myer, Ed Billings
Bass—Frank Smith, Roscoe Wright, Guy E. Cliff, Alphonso Myer
Ushers—Ray Clift, Ed Force, Glen Price, A. James Tisdale, Fred Rogers

Rev. J. George Walz served as the pastor from 1904 to 1908. He was followed by Rev. G. W. Mullen, 1908-10.

Rev. Charles H. Stauffacher came to Zearing in 1910. He served until 1913. In 1955, Bishop Charles H. Stauffacher is regarded as one of the truly great men in the history of the conference.

Rev. D. C. Busenberger served from the spring of 1913 to the spring of 1915. Rev. J. M. Bamford served from the spring of 1915 to the spring of 1917. During the pastorate of Rev. Bamford, the church was raised and a basement constructed.

The pastor from 1917 to 1922 was Rev. E. R. McClelland. He was followed by Rev. F. R. Blakely, 1922-25. Rev. Reuben H. Aurand served for two years, 1925-27. Rev. Irving L. Baumgartner came to Zearing in 1927. He served until 1931. The church celebrated its Golden Anniversary on September 12, 1930. Rev. C. A. Claypool was the minister from 1931-35. Rev. Roy E. Kerney served for nine years, 1935-44.

The 60th Anniversary was celebrated, September 4 to September 8, 1940. The celebration was during the service of Rev. Roy E. Kerney. Rev. Charles L. Fuller came to Zearing in the spring of 1944. The church became the Bethel Evangelical United Brethren Church of Zearing, Iowa, in 1946. There are no articles of incorporation in effect in 1955. The matter has apparently been overlooked.

Rev. Charles L. Fuller served until the spring of 1948. Rev. Robert A. Dennert served from 1948 to July 15, 1952. Rev. Dennert moved to Houston, Texas. Rev. Darald D. Eller was the minister at Colo, Iowa, in 1952. He served the Colo church and the Zearing church until the spring of 1953. Rev. Eller moved to Zearing in 1953. Rev. Eller is the pastor in 1956.

(Postscript) In the interest of accurate history, I think the following mystery should be discussed. The church anniversaries have been celebrated based on the date of September, 1880. I think

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