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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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Our Home Town65

R. Clift approved a petition for a special election to issue $12,000 in bonds for a water works system. Election was held on February 2, 1911. The voters did not approve the bond issue.

Council meeting, June 7, 1920—Council voted to submit a bond issue of $36,000 to the voters at a special election to be held on July 12, 1920, for a municipal water works. The voters approved the bond issue at the special election.

Council meeting, April 7, 1921—Motion by Merle H. Laycock that the council accept E. K. Ladd's bid of $20,544 on the water works pipe line complete. And to accept the Pittsburg-Des Moines Steel Company bid of $5,950 for the tank and tower. Motion carried.

Council meeting, May 24, 1921 Council accepts the bid of E. C. Archibald of Council Bluffs, Iowa, to drill an 8 inch well for the water works for $855 and $5 per extra foot.

John Q. Wickham was the engineer for the Zearing water works project. The building of the municipal water works in Zearing was the signal for an improved fire department. Farmers in Lincoln township joined Zearing residents in the purchase of motor vehicles and equipment for the fire department. Finally in 1952, the voters in Lincoln township, living outside Zearing, approved a tax on the farms for fire department purposes.

Zearing Firemen—May 20, 1955
Merle J. Curley—ChiefMax A. Lounsberry
Curtis E. Bauer—Assistant Chief Donald R. Fleming
John Marvin Golly—Captain Dale L. Fisher
Claire R. Obenchain—LieutenantE. Max McBride
John A. Lund Jr.—Secretary James W. Hunt
Lowell H. HoberlandArthur J. Cook
William E. BrownLee G. Meredith
Bobby D. HerndonWilliam Loren Cerka
Robert L. Good

It would be impossible to list all of the Zearing fires. The fires doing the most damage are listed under the above title.


John Henry Norton's implement store burned in 1903. The building was located on the south side of Main Street, west of Center Street.


On August 15, 1907, the barn belonging to Isaac B. Norton, located on Pearl Street south of the railroad, burned. The loss was $800.

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