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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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50Community History, Zearing, Iowa
Raymond J. HawkZearing Lumber Company
Kenneth L. CerkaBowles Elevator
Howard H. LeaseLyle E. Steelman
Donald H. GrimmRoy J. Pulley
Tri County State BankDr. Charles L. Hall
Zearing LockerDr. Harry E. Strassburg
Wood's Dray LineJoseph Buffington
SchoenbecksLloyd Hoskins
Zearing Barber ShopSamuel F. Good

The B. M. A. is governed by a board of directors. Virgil W. Welp, John Marvin Golly, Max A. Lounsberry, and E. Max McBride are members of the board in 1956. Virgil W. Welp is the president, and E. Max McBride is the secretary.

Zearing Business Directory
August 10, 1956
Cerka Motor Sales—Kenneth L. Cerka, Owner
Tri County State Bank William H. Brown, President
Dr. Charles L. Hall, D. 0.
Dr. Catherine Robinson—Chiropractor
Dr. Harry E. Strassburg—Dentist
Drug Sundries—Lorenz and Marje Schoenbeck, Owners
Johnson's Dry Goods—Margaret Comfort, Manager
Meredith Electric Service—Lee G. Meredith, Owner
Norman Electric Service—Loren E. Norman, Owner
Iowa Electric Light & Power Co.—Raymond J. Hawk, Lineman Selmer J. Good Feeds—Selmer Sr. and Bessie Good, Owners
Zearing Elevator Company—Virgil W. Welp, Owner
Commercial Fertilizer & Seed Corn—Manly E. Dakins, Salesman
Brouhard Funeral Home—William C. Brouhard, Sr. and Jr., Owners
Madison's Grocery—Ingvald S. Madison, Owner
Lounsberry Grocery & Market—Max A. and Winnie Lounsberry, Owners
Buffington Garage—Joseph and Jerald Buffington, Owners
Curley's Garage—Merle J. Curley, Owner
Herndon's Garage—Earl (Abe) Herndon, Owner
Johnson Variety Hardware—Everett L. Johnson, Manager
R. J. Pulley Implements—Roy J. Pulley, Owner
Dakins & Gaunt Implements—Samuel W. Dakins and George A. Gaunt, Owners
Burkhead Insurance Agency—Harold E. Law, Owner
Don Fleming Insurance Agency—Donald R. Fleming, Owner
Coe's Cafe—John and Ethelyn Coe, Owners
Holveck's Cafe—Charles N. Holveck, Owner
The New Tri County News—Maurice Butler, Publisher
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