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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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Rural Route No. 1, Zearing, Iowa

Rural Route No. 1 was established on February 1, 1901. Ana McDowell Thatcher was appointed regular rural carrier on July 15, 1902. Charles N. Thatcher was appointed substitute for his wife on July 15, 1902.

Ana McDowell Thatcher retired as the regular rural carrier on August 20, 1920. After Ana's retirement the following people served the route :

Rural CarrierDate of Service
Charles N. Thatcher (Temporary)Aug. 21, 1920-Oct. 30, 1920
Oscar Hansen (Temporary)Nov. 1, 1920-Aug. 13, 1921
Earl E. Housier (Regular) Aug. 15, 1921-Feb. 28, 1923
Wilton L. Reese (Temporary)Mar. 1, 1923-Jan. 19, 1924
Harry J. VarnumAppointed regular carrier on Jan. 21, 1924
Rural Route No. 2, Zearing, Iowa

Rural Route No. 2 was established on February 1, 1901. William A. Reese was appointed the regular carrier on February 1, 1901. Orley G. Reese was appointed substitute for his father on August 24, 1905.

William A. Reese served Rural Route No. 2 as the regular rural carrier until his retirement on August 30, 1930.

Consolidation of Rural Route No. 1 and No. 2

After the retirement of William A. Reese, the two Zearing routes were consolidated. Harry J. Varnum, the regular rural carrier on Route No. 1, became the regular rural carrier on the consolidated routes on September 1, 1930.

Several years later ill health forced the retirement of Harry J. Varnum. On August 1, 1934, Clayton E. Webb became Zearing's regular rural carrier. John P. Kinsall of Roland, Iowa, traded routes with Webb, and started carrying mail at Zearing on September 1, 1935.

Discouraged by the terrible winter of 1935-36, John P. Kinsall again traded routes. This time he traded with Ray Twentier of Two Buttes, Colorado. The trade was effective on July 1, 1936.

Ray Twentier served the Zearing route until 1942. On April 1, 1942, John P. Kinsall returned to the Zearing route. Ray Twentier took John P. Kinsall's route at Holly, Colorado. Kinsall retired on May 31, 1956.

Loren E. Norman became temporary rural carrier on June 1, 1956. He carried until August 10, 1956. Charles Raymond Kleespie became the temporary carrier on August 11, 1956. It is probable that a new regular carrier will be appointed in the not too distant future.

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