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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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36Community History, Zearing, Iowa

Allen's history of Story county agrees with the first three mayors on Smith's list. Rev. B. A. Konkle's history of Story county agrees with the first six mayors on Smith's list. Allen's history was published in 1887. Konkle's in 1890.

The official records of Zearing filed at the town hall start with the year 1903. The names of the following mayors were taken from the official records.

1903-March, 1904George A. Fox
1904-March, 1906Sherry Montgomery McCall
1906-May 6, 1907J. Charles Jessen
1907-March, 1908George Barnard
1908-May 4, 1908Edgar D. Reed
1908-March, 1912George Barnard
1912-March, 1916A. Deyo LeFevre
1916-March, 1918Harry G. Martin
1918-March, 1920John K. Laycock
1920-March, 1922Joseph C. Allen
1922-March, 1924E. John Tisdale
1924-March, 1926Henry Hoberland
1926-March, 1928Charles L. Belden
1928-March, 1930Osgood B. Batchelor
1930-March, 1938Oliver P. Abbey
1938-August 1, 1939Clifford J. Greenberg
1939-March, 1946Chris G. Muschick
1946-November 5, 1946Lyle E. Steelman
1946-July 10, 1947Robert H. Smith
1947-March, 1950Joseph Buffington
1950-March, 1952John Coe
1952-Serving in 1956Brantley Jones

The following persons served as town clerk, 1903-1956.

Hubert E. BurkhartJ. Lincoln Reid
William H. ClemonsSeymour R. Hix
George E. MeadJoseph C. Allen
Ernest M. Hedges—Pro TemA. Edwin Bartine
Nathaniel A. StimsonDr. Louis L. Bowie
Enoch N. FarisJ. Vernon Moon
George W. PhillipsDr. L. Paul Sterling
E. John TisdaleDonald Stouffer
Ray M. LightfootLoren E. Norman

In the early government of Zearing the town clerk was called a recorder. Joseph M. Ingram, Charles A. Burkhart, and James C. Armstrong served as recorders prior to 1900. Those are the names we have. There could have been more.

The first town marshal was John McClain. He was appointed in 1883. The Zearing Register commented that John was an excellent choice.

Council meeting, May 29, 1905—Moved and seconded that the

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