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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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244Community History, Zearing, Iowa

Wayne C. Dudley and Kenneth L. Lewis received medical discharges during boot training at Great Lakes, Illinois.

A news item, February, 1954, from Korea, stated that Richard T. Varnum had completed three years of meritorius service with the Army Air Force.

Richard E. Wood is stationed in Illinois with the Army Air Force.

Eugene B. Lewis has enlisted in the Navy again. He expects to remain in the Navy as a career man.

Red Cross Sale

The Tri County News dated February 8, 1918, contained the story of the famous 1918 Red Cross sale. The sale was held on February 4, 1918. The day was cold but bright and dry. People started to bring their donations to the Gogerty sale barn at sun rise. By noon numerous articles had been delivered.

The crowd filled the sale barn to capacity. David M. Gogerty, the auctioneer, delivered an impassioned patriotic speech at 1 P.M. After the speech the sale began.

The real value of an article was disregarded. A pumpkin pie was sold for $1. It was returned to the sale and sold again and again. A little bantam rooster that no one wanted brought $8.

Four of the high school girls, Myrtle Wolford, Dorothy Havelick, Marie Grimm and Eva Hedges went to the Harry Wolford farm. They loaded a wagon with stove wood and hauled it to the sale. The wood sold for $8.

The Red Cross received more than $800 from the sale.

Scrap Iron Drive

Zearing Post 116, The American Legion, sponsored a scrap iron drive in October, 1942. The proceeds of the drive were donated to the Zearing Service Organization.

Dwight Elmo Johnson, an official of the Zearing Service Organization, reported the results of the drive. Elmo's report stated that 120,000 pounds of scrap had been collected in four hours.

The supper held at the conclusion of the scrap iron drive netted $125.92. The supper was sponsored by the Zearing Service Organization.


Frederick Martin Haase was a veteran of the Franco-Prussian War. He served for two years in the German army.

Frederick was born in Mecklenburg, Lehwarin, Germany, on

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