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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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243Community History, Zearing, Iowa

The following items were not taken from the Gazette.

The items are all dated March 10, 1954.

Wendell L. Buffington is taking his boot training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego, California.

Dwain R. Kirk, Harold J. Weuve, and Lloyd L. Anderson are serving with the 6th Armored Division, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Harold R. Snider is at the Lackland A.F.B., San Antonio, Texas.

Ronald D. Herr is a member of the crew of the U. S. S. Hancock, an aircraft carrier.

Carlton E. Karns is in Germany. His brother, Kenneth D. Karns, is at Camp Pendleton, California.

Vincent J. Wheelock is stationed at Truax A.F.B., Wisconsin. His brother, Ronald J. Wheelock, is serving with the 93rd Bomber Squadron.

Gerald D. Wood is home. He has been discharged after fifteen months in England.

Richard W. Eley is on his way home. Wendell was in the fighting in Korea immediately preceding the Armistice.

Donald E. Strassburg is a member of the crew of the U.S.S. Frontier, an auxiliary destroyer.

Vernon D. Mersman is in Alaska. Harold W. Mersman is at Fort Lewis, Washington.

Ralph E. Mehlisch is with the infantry at Camp Polk, Louisiana. Donald E. Thornton will leave soon for Japan. He is a member of the crew of the U. S. S. Ajax.

Warren Dean Golly is home. He served for fifteen months in Germany.

Leo B. Moon, who has been receiving treatment for tuberculosis at the Fitzsimons Army Hospital at Denver, Colorado, will soon be transferred to the Veterans Hospital at Montgomery, Alabama.

John W. Parkey and Neal H. Coe were veterans of World War II and the Korean War.

Richard K. Coleman recently joined the other local boys in the 6th Armored Division at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Donald L. Clark is at Treasure Island, California. He is studying electronics.

Edwin L. Brown is a Navy storekeeper at San Diego, California. Murray L. Carver and Roger L. Abbey are in Germany. David M. Walters served with the infantry in Korea. Harlan D. Rasmusson is in Germany with the infantry. Marvin R. Farni is in Korea.

Wayne J. Manning was a communications man in the Army. Richard W. Chance has been assigned to a Navy headquarters at San Diego, California .

Rolland L. Howard completed a tour of duty in the Pacific area. He was stationed at Monterey, California, after his return to the United States.

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