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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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242Community History, Zearing, Iowa

bomb attack. The convoy will visit many major cities in the south and west.

Gazette, January, 1952—Samuel J. Oakes is at Fort Benning, Georgia. He will try for a commission in the Army paratroopers. Papa Oakes declares that Sammie's ambition was not inherited from him. Says he, “They couldn't pry me loose from a plane in the air.”

Gazette, March, 1952—R. Duane Reed hasn't had an operation on his injured leg yet. He has been on the rifle range at Camp Matthews, California. The idea is to complete boot training with the Marines before considering an operation.

Gazette, April, 1951—Bobby D. Herndon is hoping he can return from overseas soon. However, he must wait for a mechanic to arrive to replace him.

Gazette, June, 1951—Gene E. Mersman has moved to Inchon, Korea. He is only eighteen miles from Seoul.

Gazette, June, 1951—Donald V. Montz is on his way to Korea. Vern is from Eldora but worked in Zearing for some time before enlisting. He was working at Mayor John Coe's oil station when he decided to enlist.

Gazette, August, 1951—Dr. R. A. Ricketts tells us that Max V. Ricketts has been transferred from air patrol duty to a job in the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

Gazette, September, 1951—Keith O. Abbey's letter stated that on December 14, he will celebrate the end of his first year in Korea. He said that his outfit had built three air strips in Korea in a period of nine months.

Gazette, September, 1951—We saw Cecil L. Coleman at the La Moille-Zearing baseball game a week ago. He was dressed in his Navy whites sitting on a dirty old plank.

Gazette, July, 1951—Ross F. Sparrow Jr. is with the 91st Food Service Squadron at Lockbourne A.F.B., Ohio.

Gazette, June, 1952—Donald G. Mannetter is in Korea.

Gazette, June, 1952—Richard D. Christensen is at Fort Davis in the Canal Zone.

Gazette, May, 1952—Jerome F. Edel is in the Army. He is stationed at Fort Eustis, Virginia.

Gazette, May, 1952—Lawrence J. Karns writes that he has been spraying tents for three months. He states that he has been traveling from one corner of France to another.

Gazette, February, 1952—Two well known local brothers, Richard O. Reese and Robert W. Reese, are stationed at Lackland A.F.B. San Antonio, Texas.

Gazette, February, 1952—William C. FReese, who gave up his teaching job in the Zearing school to enter the Army, is at Camp Crowder, Missouri.

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