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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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Military History241
Herndon, Bobby D.Walters, David M.
Herr, Ronald D.Walters, Merle F.
Howard, Rolland L.Weuve, Harold J.
Karns, Carlton E.Wheelock, Ronald J.
Karns, Lawrence J.Wheelock, Vincent J.
Kirk, Dwain R.Wood, Gerald D.
Krebs, Howard W.Wood, Richard E.
Personal Items
Korean War

Until the printer, Rev. Robert A. Dennert, moved to Houston, Texas, Post 116 published the Legion News Gazette. The Legion News Gazette was sent to all the local boys in the service once each month. The following personal items were taken from the Gazette.

Gazette, October, 1951—S/Sgt. David F. Borchert's picture was on the front page of the Nevada Evening Journal last week. The picture showed David and two other soldiers examining the rear mount engine in a German car.

Gazette, March, 1952—Au article in The Des Moines Register stated that there will be a round the world good will cruise by a squadron of destroyers. The squadron will stop at Hong Kong and then proceed by the way of the Indian Ocean to the Suez Canal region. They will return to the east coast of the United States on April 30. One of the ships will be the U. S. S. Bristol. Ronald E. Obenchain is a member of the crew of the Bristol.

Gazette, April, 1951—When Merlin D. Gildersleeve, John M. Varnum Jr., Howard W. Krebs, and Richard K. Lacey joined the Iowa air guard, it seemed that they might get their basic training close to home. Good for week end passes or for going over the hill. However, the Army in its infinite wisdom thought of that also. So we understand that Bangor, Maine, will be the training center.

Gazette, May, 1951—Leamon E. Schulz, Harold Erickson, and Donald L. Erickson called themselves the Camp Carson kids. They took their basic training at Camp Carson, Colorado.

Gazette, May, 1951—William E. Brown is with a special services company of the 24th Infantry Division in Korea.

Gazette, August, 1951—The New Tri County News received a large photograph of Merrill D. Erickson from the Navy. Unfortunately, it was too large to publish in the Tri County. Merrill is with Fighter Squadron 871.

Gazette, April, 1951—Kenneth R. Norton is a gunner on a bomber. He has had many missions over Korea.

Gazette, March, 1952—Robert A. Blayney's first trip overseas was rough. His ship, an oil tanker, ran into a storm.

Gazette, February, 1952—Robert L. Good is driving a truck that carries an exhibit which explains what to do in case of an A-

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