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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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213Community History, Zearing, Iowa

CUTSINGER, JOSEPH H. Co. E, 305th Field Artillery, 77th Division.

Joseph died at his home near Clemons, Iowa, on January 14, 1931.

BORN: 1892 ; DIED: 1931; BURIED: Zearing Cemetery, Zearing, Iowa.

Zearing Unit No. 116, American Legion Auxiliary

On July 1, 1921, a meeting was called to organize a local unit auxiliary to The American Legion. However, during the day a very severe storm caused the meeting to be postponed until July 8.

At the July 8, 1921 meeting a temporary organization was formed. Elnora Bowman Reese was elected temporary president. Geraldine Condit Bowie was elected temporary secretary. After the arrival of a temporary charter, a meeting was called for October 10, 1921. All those eligible for membership were invited to the October 10 meeting. Eligibles had until November 1, 1921, to sign as charter members.

On October 18, 1921, Zearing Unit No. 116 elected its first permanent officers. They were :

President Elnora Bowman Reese
Vice PresidentMary Dool Gardiner
SecretaryGeraldine Condit Bowie
TreasurerArba Reese Moore
Charter Members

Some of the charter members are listed under their married names. Some are listed under their maiden names.

Margaret AbbeyBlanche Harrington
Esther AbbeyEmma Laycock
Mary AdamsIto Laycock
Ann AdamsOrla Laycock
Dea AllenAnna Maliet
Ella BaileyNellie Manning
Elsie BaileyMartha Moore
Geraldine BowieArba Moore
Medora ClarkHelen Moore
Mary CoxIda Stone
Laura DalbyElnora Reese
Ida DoolMaria Tisdale
Mary GardinerElla Work
Nellie GogertyEsther Reese
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