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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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102Community History, Zearing, Iowa
Knights Of Columbus, Our Lady Of Victory Council No. 3284

Zearing does not have a council of the Knights of Columbus. Zearing men belong to Our Lady of Victory Council No. 3284, Nevada, Iowa. Zearing members are :

Merle J. CurleyPaul N. Wheelock
John J. GreenwoodAdrian J. Conrad
Ross E. HolveckRolland L. Howard
Everett L. JohnsonElmer R. Sparrow
Richard B. LangDonald E. Thornton
Gerald MeimannJohn M. Varnum Jr.
Francis J. RocheVirgil W. Welp
James L. RocheVincent Wheelock
Joseph RocheCharles L. Howard
Floyd O. Steelman
4-H Club

According to The Tri County News, the 4-H Club became an active organization in our community on January 6, 1931. A meeting was held at the school house on that date. Glenn Anderson of Nevada, Iowa, presided at the meeting. The following officers were elected:

President John Fitzgerald
Vice President George A. Gaunt
SecretaryAmy Phillips
Treasurer Goldie Cerka

Lulu Wickham Cerka was one of the early club leaders.

It would be impossible in a history of this type to include a complete history of the 4-H. The membership changes from year to year. The Zearing club has been very active since its organization. Numerous prizes have been won by club members at fairs and exhibitions. Only a close study of the club records could produce an accurate and complete history of the local 4-H.

Farm Bureau

The Farm Bureau is another organization which would be very difficult to include in a history of this type. We can include a sketch.

The Farm Bureau became an active organization in our community in the early 1920's. The Auxiliary to the Farm Bureau was organized at the R. B. (Bert) Craft home on December 7, 1921. The following officers were elected:

President Daisy Fleming Couser
Vice President Effie Guthrie Craft
Secretary and Treasurer Desdamone Davisson Allen
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