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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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Community Organizations101

Soon after its organization the club sponsored several amateur contests. Proceeds from the contests were donated as prizes to the winners.

During the winter of 1941, the club helped in the Bundles for Britain campaign. The club journeyed to Marshalltown, Iowa, in 1945, and served the lunch for service men at the Marshalltown depot.

In 1944, the Civic Improvement Club sponsored a Boy Scout troop for Zearing. Rev. Charles L. Fuller agreed to be the scoutmaster. The Civic Improvement Club led the drive for funds for the troop.

On June 14, 1946, the club voted to take charge of the library which was located in the balcony at the Fred E. Smith store. In August of 1946, the club won a $25 prize for their Zearing Days float.

The club has donated to many projects and organizations. The last donation on the records was for clocks donated to the Lincoln Township Consolidated School.

1955 Members
Alice BrierleyDonna Lundy
Ruth ChanceMaxine Lundy
Adeline CookFlorence Lightfoot
Veva CookWinnie Lounsberry
Myrtle CrainBeverly Mabie
Emelie GrimmHelga Schnormeier
Minnie HerrJean Stukenholtz
Verda HolveekNorene Tisdale
Cecil JonesLorraine Welp
Mabel Johnson
Zearing Horse & Saddle Club

A group of local horsemen staged a horse show as a part of the 1946 Zearing Days celebration. The show was very successful. As a result a horse and saddle club was organized. Russell W. Carver was elected president. Paul Johns was chosen vice president. Walter F. Harkema was elected secretary. Lowell H. Hoberland was the first treasurer.

Late in the summer of 1946, the club purchased a lot on the south side of Main Street southwest of the Zearing Park. Flood lights were erected and the club presented a Labor Day show. Early in 1947, an adjoining lot was purchased, the lighting system improved, and permanent bleachers installed. Many soft ball games have been played on the horse show grounds.

The club has sponsored a Labor Day show each year since 1946. The Labor Day show has featured a noon time community parade each year.

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