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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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100Community History, Zearing, Iowa

Zearing lost its vigor. Harold Priem was appointed scoutmaster of a reorganized scout troop in February of 1928. However Priem was handicapped by ill health and quit his job as the superintendent of the local school in the spring of 1928.

William Schrenk was an excellent local scout leader in the 1930's. However, his term as scout leader was brief. He left Zearing to become a teacher in a larger school.

The Civic Improvement Club sponsored a new local scout organization in 1944. Rev. Charles L. Fuller accepted the job as scoutmaster. Rev. Fuller was a vigorous scout leader. A scout cabin was constructed at the Zearing Park during his administration. The cabin was completed in 1946.

The scout cabin was a real example of community spirit. Dwight Elmo Johnson donated a box car. Claire Reed Jr., William Drew, and Lester L. Arrasmith moved the box car to the park. Kenneth L. Cerka donated gravel. John Hoberland donated labor for the foundation. Sheeting was donated by Roy J. Pulley. A stove was donated by James Hutchins. Scoutmaster Fuller, Dr. Charles L. Hall, William H. Brown, and the scouts did the necessary work to turn the box car into a cabin.

Rev. Fuller moved to Gladbrook, Iowa, in 1948. He was succeeded by other fine leaders. Troy E. Chance has saved the organization several times by taking charge when a regular leader was not available. Carroll C. Bailey was in charge of the senior air and sea scouts for more than a year. The air scouts purchased an airplane motor and studied it.

Other active leaders and boosters have been William E. Brown, Donald E. Johnson, Junior S. Myers, Donald R. Fleming, Brantley Jones, Dr. Charles L. Hall, Father Robert V. Swift, Virgil W. Welp, Dale L. Fisher, and Kempton C. Johnson. At the present time Lee G. Meredith is the scoutmaster. Kempton C. Johnson and Edwin L. Brown are his assistants.

Civic Improvement Club

The history of the Civic Improvement Club was compiled by Mabel Armstrong Johnson. She was the first president of the club.

The Civic Improvement Club was organized on April 11, 1935, by a group of civic minded ladies. The following women were charter members. All of the names listed in the history of this club are married names.

Mabel JohnsonGertrude Smith
Lucille BrownAnna Pulley
Ruth SnowgrenAvis Bump
Florence LightfootKathleen Gaylord
Lucille Johnson

Ruby Hoskins and Doris Rankin joined the club later in 1935. The first club project was to help to beautify the park. Money was secured to pay for two fireplaces in the park.

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