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A History of Roland, Iowa 1870-1970

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Twenty-one men have served the town as Mayor since 1892. They are: W. O. Bates, 1892-93; H. E. Myrah, 1893-97; E. M. Rod, 1897-98; S. J. Michaelson, 1898-99; J. H. Jondall, 1899-1902; L. Schlanbusch, 1902-04; Ben Swenson, 1904-06; James H. Larson, 1906-14; George Mason, 1914-15; O. M. Anenson, 1915-16; L. Shafland, 1916-22; L. J. Skromme, 1922-24; H. E. Evenson, 1924-26; Ben Swenson, 1926-30; M. O. Rod, 1930-34; William Myrland, 1934-42; Lester A. Swenson, 1942-44; C. A. Fagerland, 1944 -48; M. O. Rod, 1948-56; Willard W. Vaughan, 1956-58; M. O. Rod, 1958 -59; Harold Lage, Pro-tern, 1959-60; A. J. Reinertson, 1960-66; Harold Lage, 1966-70; A. J. Reinertson, 1970,


According to the official census figures available, Roland was a mere village when the first census was taken in 1863, with a population of 354. It experienced a steady growth until it reached its all-time peak in 1875 when the census showed a population of 1,143. The population declined until 1950 when the census revealed only 687 residents. The following count, in 1960, showed an increase to 748, and recently released unofficial figures for the census just completed show a population of 810 persons living in Roland.

Official counts have been as follows:

1970--810 (unofficial)


The Roland Kiwanis Club was organized October 26, 1954, being sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Ames and Herb Plambeck of Des Moines, then Lieutenant Governor of Division IV, Nebraska-Iowa District.

The Roland Club received its official charter December 13, 1954, with the District Governor, Vernon Rice of Grand Island, Nebraska, presiding at a special Charter Night program. The first officers were President, Carroll B. Jacobson; Vice President, George R. Larson; Secretary, Cecil R. R. Finch; and Treasurer, Loren Truman. Members of the Board of Directors were Jerald Borwick, George Thornblade, Eric Waugh, Donald Stole, Floyd Christian, Dr. B. D. Holen and Twedt Hanson. There were 49 charter members of the club.

Kiwanis is an international service organization whose prime objective is to provide its members with an opportunity to serve the community in which they live. Some of the projects of the Roland Kiwanis Club have been to sponsor the summer recreation program for the children of the community, to sponsor the Boy Scout Troop, to assist in the work of the Story County School for Retarded Children, and to work with other organizations of the community in planning and building of the Roland Professional Building and in securing a doctor for Roland.


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