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A History of Roland, Iowa 1870-1970

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The Roland Junior Chamber of Commerce was organized October 28, 1969. The first officers were: President, Robert F. Eischen; Vice President, Harlan Hall; Secretary, Keith E. Tjelmeland; Treasurer, Jerry W. Hanna.

The charter banquet was held January 24, 1970, at which time the Roland Jaycees received its local, state, national and international charters.

The purpose of the organization is two-fold---1. Civic service through the organized efforts of the young men of the community to promote the welfare of the community and its citizens through active, constructive projects, and, 2. To provide the young men constituting its membership training in leadership and to instill civic consciousness to better their usefulness as citizens.

Membership consists of any young men of good character between the ages of 21 and 35, both inclusive.

Among the projects promoted by the Jaycees in Roland thus far are the initiation, organization, promotion of the Roland Centennial; a community survey to get a reaction to various community interests; promoting the local Rubella drive in order to obtain donations; conducting an easter egg hunt for children to age 12, with candy and prizes being given; and conducting and promoting toll-free telephone service between Roland and Story City.


The Kozy Club, a women's social group, was organized in 1925 with the following members: Mesdames Howard Ferkin, Otis L. Twedt, Bailus Holland, Arnold Cole, Otis Wierson, Sanford Olson, Elmer Amensen, Amos Jacobson, A. R. Erickson, B. H. Knudtson, Malcom Larson and Overt Holland.

The name has since been changed to the L. W. Club, and the members are Mesdames Otis L. Twedt, Amos Jacobson, Overt Holland, Orris Os-heim, Clifford Johnson, Floyd Christian, C. P. Thompson, Grant Eggland, R. W. Larson, Reuben Erickson, T. F. Jacobson, Clarence Johnson, and Floyd Anderson.


The Iota Phi Phi Club was organized in September 1914 as a women's social club with the following members: Abbie Iverson, Ethel Sandven, Grace Ferkin, Mamie Christian, Fae Duea, Berdella Swenson, Frances Quam and Rosie Twedt.

The 1970 membership is Mesdames Sherman Larson, Ivan Sampson, William Frandsen, Lester Swenson, Barney Durby, C. A. Fagerland, Harry Buland, George Sather, Silas Wierson, Clarence Johnson, John T. Johnson, and Jesse E. Quam.


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