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A History of Roland, Iowa 1870-1970

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and to promote good citizenship.

The Rockets 4-H Club has had many outstanding members through the years, some of whom have won trip awards to both Chicago and Washington, D. C. , for excellence in their achievements. Some of these later years are Harlan Hanson, Loren Hovland, Curtis Townswick, Jim Toussaint, Don Bielefeldt, Craig Anderson and Randy Egland.

Certainly leaders play an important part in the function of a club. One of ' hese leaders was Twedt Hanson who was in charge from 1950-59. For his outstanding service to the club and his active participation in County Extension and Fair Board events, he was awarded an honorary lifetime membership in 4 -H.

Other leaders have been Marion Peterson, 1941-43; William Daily, 1944-45; Floyd Strother, 1946-47; Marion Peterson, 1948-49; Erling Shold, 1959-62; Gerald Risdal, 1963-66; Jack Frandsen, 1967-68. Present leader is Harris Twedt jr. , with Ronald Smith and James Jacobson assisting.


The forerunner of the Girls' 4-H was a sewing club organized in 1920 by the Roland school agriculture teacher, Nathan Ambrose. All girls in Story County were invited to enroll, and the initial membership included 22 girls. In 1924, nine township clubs were organized, and Mrs. L. J. Ritland was named Howard township leader. The first Rally Day was held July 22, 1925. The idea of a county-wide exhibit to display members' accomplishments was born in 1931. There was no active club in Howard township from 1933 -38.

In 1939, Mrs. H. R. Thomas organized the present Howard Happy Hustlers. An historian's book was started and listed the first officers as Virginia Thomas, president; Judith Amensen, vice president; Elaine Lura, secretary-treasurer; Dorothy Goodmanson, reporter; and Esther Hove, historian.

Howard Happy Hustlers member who have served as county officers were Joyce Starbuck, 1941 Reporter; Charlotte Johnson, 1943 Vice President; Joan Sandvold, 1944 President; Ramona Swenson, 1945 President; Barbara Johnson, 1946 Reporter; Mary Ann Sandvold, 1949 Secretary-Treasurer; Martha Thomas, 1950 Vice President; Bernice Anderson, 1953 Secretary; Dona Bielefeldt, 1954 President; Shirley Sande, 1955 Historian; Carolyn Townswick, 1956 President; and Lou Ann Hanson, 1961 President. Eight members have been awarded Chicago Club Congress trips: Martha Thomas, Bernice Anderson, Dona Bielefeldt, Carolyn Townswick, Sharon Sande, Lou Ann Hanson, Kathy Egland, and Cecelia Christian.

In addition to the original sewing and food preservation projects, others now offered are home improvement, food and nutrition, clothing, and a num -ber of self improvement projects.

Present officers are Joan Anderson, President; Carol Lybeck, Vice President; Kris Strum, Secretary; Julie Egland, Treasurer; Kathy Munson and Dee Ann Anderson, Reporters; and Paulette Harper, Historian. Leaders are Mrs. Arnold L. Anderson, Mrs. Floyd Anderson, Mrs. Glen Egland, and Mrs. Ben Arneson.


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