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A History of Roland, Iowa 1870-1970

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The Theta Zeta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was organized in Roland on July 30, 1969, with 14 members. Officers elected were: Mrs. V. Allen Twedt, President; Mrs. David Holland, Vice President; Mrs. Ray Kilstofte, Recording Secretary; Mrs. David Thompson, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Keith Tjelmeland, Treasurer. Other charter members are Mrs. Loren Barker, Mrs. David Braland, Mrs. Gary Carpenter, Mrs. Jerry Christian, Mrs. David Hemphill, Mrs. Mike Justice, Mrs. James Kinyon, Mrs. Ron Snider, Mrs. Loren Tjernagel.

Beta Sigma Phi is a national sorority of women with some 200, 000 members in 9, 000 chapters reaching into 14 countries. The three-phase program includes education, service, and social activity. Self-development and self-improvement are major goals. The first Beta Sigma Phi chapter was organized in 1931 in Abilene, Kansas, by Walter W. Ross, who directed the activities and growth of the organization until his death in 1969.


The Bergen Brotherhood held it organizational meeting on April 15, 1943, with Harris Twedt serving as chairman pro-tern. Officers elected were: President, Noel Thompson; Vice President, Clarence Helvig; Secretary, M. O. Rod; and Treasurer, Leo Hanson.

The first regular meeting was held in the parish house on May 27, 1943, and since that time the Brotherhood met on the average of eight times a year. Programs included hymn singing, Bible devotions, musical numbers, and talks by outstanding men of the church and other notables. In 1946, the Brotherhood purchased a sound moving picture projector and screen. The group also helped support Riverside Bible Camp, and various other organizations and charities. A highlight of each year was a Father-Son Banquet.

The Salem Men's Brotherhood was organized October 3, 1944. The first officers were: President, Lester Swenson; Vice President, Conrad Fagerland; Secretary, Cyrus Christian; and Treasurer, Amil Twedt. It was decided to meet four times a year.

Some of the objectives of the Brotherhood were: to mobilize the manpower within the church; to summon the men to a conscious realization of the fourfold influence of the Christian Church, viz, the spiritual, the moral, the ethical, and the material benefits; to promote Christian fellowship. The Brotherhood raised money for the church through auctions, oyster suppers, and in other ways.

The Bergen and Salem Brotherhoods were united in 1962, with the first joint meeting held at Salem Church on January 15. Officers elected were: President, John Hovick; Vice President, Raymond Sande; Secretary, Morris Danielson; and Treasurer, Sherman Larson. Most of their contributions have been given to the Roland Release Time Religion classes, Riverside Bible Camp, and Bethany Manor.


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