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A History of Roland, Iowa 1870-1970

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After the death of his wife, Lizzie, Mr. Thompson married Sarah Anne Watney in 1886. To this union five sons were born, Dr. Paul L. , Elliott, Cyrus, Milton, and Irven.

In 1902, Paul Thompson retired from active farming and his son continued to operate the extensive holdings which had by then grown from the original quarter section to 520 acres.

Paul Thompson family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, front; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson.

VEIR Tjelmeland

Veir Tjelmeland and Rugna Hovland came to this country from Norway in the spring of 1895. They were married March 3, 1899 at the Salem Lutheran Church in Roland. They made their home on a farm northeast of Roland. To this union one son, William, was born February 23, 1900.

William Tjelmeland married Bertha Anfinson of Radcliffe in December, 1922, and they resided on his father's farm. Children are Virgil, Tallmer, William, Dwayne, Vern, Marion, and Bernice. Dwayne is presently farming the family homestead.

Vier <span style=Tjelmeland family" width="660px">


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