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Milford Township and Proud of It

Milford Book Index

Results for Names Matching "DURBY"

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Given Name Surname(s) Page Book Section
Archie Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Barney Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Ben Durby 121 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ben Durby 140 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ben Durby 141 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ben Durby 145 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ben Durby 188 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ben Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Ben Durby 235 Chapter VI Milford People
Ben Durby 241 Chapter VI Milford People
Ben Durby 280 Chapter VII Miscellany
Ben Durby 291 Chapter VII Miscellany
Ben Durby 291 Chapter VII Miscellany
Ben Durby 299 Chapter VII Miscellany - Class Photos
Ben Durby 346 Chapter VII Miscellany - Milford Graduates
Bernice Durby 310 Chapter VII Miscellany
Bernice Durby 346 Chapter VII Miscellany - Milford Graduates
Bernice (Mrs Martin) (Durby) Caltvedt 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Bernice M Durby 187 Chapter V Milford Schools
Bernice M. (Mrs Martin) (Durby) Caltvedt 280 Chapter VII Miscellany
Bertha (Mrs Oliver) (Bjornevik) Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Bill Durby 283 Chapter VII Miscellany
Bill Durby 332 Chapter VII Miscellany -Middle School Students
Bradley Durby 332 Chapter VII Miscellany -Middle School Students
Clara (Mrs Barney) (Hoversten) Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Elise "Lisa" (Mrs Ole) (Durby) Horness 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Ella Mae Durby 281 Chapter VII Miscellany
Ellen "Mae" (Mrs Sigrud) (Lein) Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Emma (Mrs Albert) (Durby) Olson 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Enoch Durby 89 Chapter V Milford Schools
Enoch Durby 280 Chapter VII Miscellany
Enock Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Ethyl Durby 310 Chapter VII Miscellany
Evelyn (Mrs Archie) (Wike) Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Gladys (Mrs John) (Durby) Michaelson 226 Chapter VI Milford People
JoAnn Durby 189 Chapter V Milford Schools
JoAnn B. (Mrs Kermit) (Durby) Molde 281 Chapter VII Miscellany
Joe Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Junior Durby 281 Chapter VII Miscellany
Laurence Durby 89 Chapter V Milford Schools
Laurence Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Laurence Durby 280 Chapter VII Miscellany
Leslie Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Levi Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Lizzie (Mrs Peter) (Lein) Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Lois (Sevde) Stone Durby 291 Chapter VII Miscellany
Lois (Mrs Ben) (Sevde) Durby Stone 280 Chapter VII Miscellany
Lois Sved (Mrs Ben) (Sved) Durby Stone 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Lydia (Durby) Sansgaard 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Mabel (Mrs Levi) (Rognehaug) Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Maren (Mrs Peder) (Bjornevik) Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Maren (Mrs Peder) Durby 291 Chapter VII Miscellany
Martha (Mrs Gustav) (Durby) Tjernagel 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Menora (Mrs Laurence) (Johnson) Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Mr Durby 95 Chapter V Milford Schools
Mr & Mr Durby 338 Chapter VII Miscellany -Middle School Students
Myrtle Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Nell (Mrs Tosten) (Post) Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Nettie (Mrs Palmer) (Rognehaug) Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Oliver Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Oliver Dyrness Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Opal Durby 281 Chapter VII Miscellany
Palma Durby 298 Chapter VII Miscellany - Class Photos
Palma Durby 312 Chapter VII Miscellany
Palma Durby 346 Chapter VII Miscellany - Milford Graduates
Palma (Mrs John) (Durby) Beaty 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Palma M Durby 188 Chapter V Milford Schools
Palma M. (Mrs John) (Durby) Beaty 280 Chapter VII Miscellany
Palmer Durby 198 Chapter VI Milford People
Palmer Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Peder Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Peder Durby 291 Chapter VII Miscellany
Peder Dyrness Durby 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Peter Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Randy Durby 332 Chapter VII Miscellany -Middle School Students
Regina "Rena" (Mrs Sherman) (Durby) Erickson 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Ruth Durby 89 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ruth Durby 138 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ruth Durby 187 Chapter V Milford Schools
Ruth Durby 296 Chapter VII Miscellany
Ruth Durby 310 Chapter VII Miscellany
Ruth Durby 346 Chapter VII Miscellany - Milford Graduates
Ruth (Mrs Victor) (Durby) Duea 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Ruth (Mrs Victor) (Durby) Duea 280 Chapter VII Miscellany
Sigrud Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People
Stella (Mrs Harvey) (Durby) Nassen 230 Chapter VI Milford People
Steve Durby 283 Chapter VII Miscellany
Toni Durby 332 Chapter VII Miscellany -Middle School Students
Tosten Durby 226 Chapter VI Milford People

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