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An unidentified lady, possibly Margaret Brooks, takes her life in her hands in circa 1956 as she sweeps the hardwood floor in front of the serving area for the lunch line. This photo really shows the detail of that corner of the lunchroom from the clock on the wall, to the graduation pictures hanging in the hall, the board out in the hall that offered some protection to the wall , and the pipe railing to keep the youngsters in some resemblance of a line at lunch time. Fortunately for her, the clock appears to read 5:30, so perhaps she's safe from the students headed for the lunch room. She is probably preparing for an evening event.

1991 Milford School Sold

The end of the use of the Milford Township Consolidated School building as a learning institution occurred on the nineteenth of August in 1991 at a school board meeting in Nevada at which time the buildings and the property were sold as a unit.

The accepted bid, for the school building, Supt house, and the property, (the five acre plot), was $6001 and had been submitted by Dale Althaus. It was a sad evening.

As a footnote, at the same meeting, the school board accepted the bid of Midwest Office Technology to lease two Canon NP 6550 copiers for 60 months at $334.16 per month each --or a total (“on the O-Gold Scoreboard”) of $40,100.00. That's no misprint! $40,100.00- Forty Thousand One Hundred Dollars for a couple of copiers to set in the corner. They sold the Milford building, a house, AND four acres (five with the road right-of-way) of rich Milford Twp land for less than a sixth of what the bill was for two copiers.

By 2007 Milford School's five acres has been divided into three parcels. Basically the east half, the cottage, and the school building. The School is owned by an organization, as of 17 May, using the name Milford School LLC.

* * In the Classroom * *
Halverson Reigns
A Little Mischief in the Assembly Hall
by Kenny Watson (`47)

The Assembly, or as some might refer to it, the Study Hall, was sort of a home room for grades nine through twelve and sometimes also eighth grade. Underclassmen sat along the east side and progressed toward the west as they advance upward to the next grade level. Sometimes the room was used as a classroom for large groups but was mostly for study time. Students desks faced south and the teachers desk was located in the northwest corner to the rear of the students.

I had no talent in music and chose to take other scholastic courses instead- therefore I was often in the assembly with upperclassmen with me sitting toward the northeast corner segregated by several rows of desks from the other students. One day, for some reason, there was no teacher present to maintain order and some of the students began to get a little rowdy. As I remember, Roger Harper and Loren Rierson had a couple rolls of tape and proceeded to wrap it around Don Morfey's face and head. Then, Loren had a lightweight rope of some sort, tied one end to a roll of tape and proceeded to twirl it around in an ever widening circle over the students' heads, gradually lowering the trajectory so everyone was ducking below desktop level to avoid being hit. I was well out of range so was able to watch these proceedings with amusement. Suddenly Supt B.G. Halverson appeared in the doorway in the southwest corner that opened into the corridor. Everything grew deathly quiet. B.G. spoke several authoritative words and escorted Loren out into the corridor and toward his office. Soon afterwards a teacher appeared and took a seat at her desk. So ended the fun for that day!

Typing Room Incidents
The Typing Room by Kenny Watson

A small room just west of the assembly room was the designated typing room. Along the west wall were large windows that could be opened on warm days. Sometimes the door to the assembly would be left open to accommodate better ventilation. Long narrow tables with typewriters on them ran east to west. Students sat facing the south. On this one particular day- I think it was September 1945- the first day of school, a hot muggy day, with storm clouds rolling in from the west.

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