1957 - Typical study hall picture. With every one looking so busy, it makes one wonder if there wasn't more studying done in the short time it took the photographer to take the picture than in the entire rest of the day. That's Charlie Larson on the left making sure the photographer does it correctly. Lower left to Upper right: Patsy Haug- land, Art Borton, Sandra Mortvedt, Janet Simonsen, Gwen Jacobson, Janet Rasmusson, Norman Honderd.
Below: This well posed picture of the interior of the Milford Twp School Study Hall shows the students and teachers of the high school in 1949. The photographer is standing in the southeast corner and the view is toward the northwest. Note the master clock which controlled the clocks in the other rooms of the building. Also, was that the entire Milford Township Consolidated School library in the bookcase along the west wall? Some recall it as be- ing so. Notice the congregated placement of the flags to the back of the room for the camera. Also note the superintendent's house through the windows to the north. At the time of the construction of this house, the intent was to have the upstairs of the house be the living quarters for the single teachers. How long this arrangement lasted is not known. High School Faculty standing- Principal Kathryn Boyd Larson, Leo Cramer, R.N. Kjerland, Beth Doughty, Supt H.H. Harnack. Elementary Teachers not pictured are: First and Second, Irene Hauser-- Third and Fourth, Melba Garvin- Fifth and Sixth, Ava Nelle Everett (of Mississippi -Page 172)-- Seventh and Eighth, Jessie Petersen. The newspaper rack and the magazine rack were built by the 1929 Shop Instructor, Mr Arthur Bielefeldt.