a fashion, these were very effective memory aides provided one put in the appropriate effort at filling in the areas that were provided.
There is a sentence in the 1949 annual that states there had been no annuals produced in the time from 1940 thru 1948. However, Kermit Molde (`41) remembers that some form of “memorabilia sheets” had been issued on the completion of his schooling.
This interesting, but short, notice, addressed to the parents of Milford Twp students, appeared in the Nevada Paper just before the opening of school for the fall of 1944.
“Although application has been made for the continuation of the lunch project, children will be forced to bring their lunches until final approval of the project has been made through the Des Moines office.”

`It was my parent's (Floyd `32 and Grace `35 Tendal Twedt) first home after they were married in 1941. I lived in it, too, during 1944-1946. My grandparents, Jacob and Allie Twedt, bought the 80-acre Birkland place in 1938 and sold the farm buildings at their farm sale in the fall of 1945. The following year they moved to Roland so the picture must have been taken in late 1945 or early 1946.
Holger (1835-1922) and Borgilla (1842-1900) Birkland, the previous owners, emigrated from Norway in 1866. In 1869 they bought the SE 1/4 quarter of the SW quarter of our section and in 1873 they purchased the 40 acres north of it. They had seven children. Their youngest son, Henry (1883-1967), began experimenting with seed corn as a young man and won many prizes for his corn. After he quit farming, developing and marketing seed corn became a full-time occupation for him. He lived on the south edge of Roland.
One of the members of `56 reports this happened: It had been snowing for quite a while one day and to facilitate the snow removal Supt Hopkins announced "over the PA" that who ever had those cars in the parking lot should move them. Twenty minutes later the announcement was made, “This is your Superintendent! - To those 36 students who went to move those four cars-- get back in here to class!”

Milford Students, in the fall of 1958, always thinking of ways to improve things, put this addition on the front steps and at the door. It was not appreciated by the School authorities and the people involved had to remove it and then make up the time it took to do it. The new addition apparently came from up near the Durby farm. Even fifty years later it is still difficult to get anyone to talk about the matter. Research has shown that the fellows that were on the basketball team were `benched' for the Basketball `jamboree' against Roland a few nights later. The consequences, at McCallsburg, were evident in the Roland Paper, “the competition with Milford was only with five inexperienced freshmen. Seems as if the Milford regulars were Hallowe'ening a bit past their training hours and were benched for the game in `civvies'. We admire the courage of the coach and the administration for sticking to training `regulations' as well as the courageous five freshmen who tried hard to give Roland the best competition they could although they were no match for the ..... Rockets.” Furthermore, it is mentioned the score of the ten minute scrimmage was 37-1 with Arlen Twedt leading the attack with one hundred percent of Milford's point production. Ten of the Milford boys out for basketball were benched because of this Halloween prank.