Some very uncertain identification of some of the nine fellows in the top row right: Left to Right: Ray Danielson, George Allen, John Hereim, George Hansen, U, Huber Wilson, U, U, U. See page 16 for an enlargement of the center section.
In 1923, at the Eighth graduation, Milford students George Allen, Ray Danielson, Enoch Durby, Vera M. Eubank, Opal Fisher, Clyta Graham, George Hanson, Vivian Kimble , and Leota Pond received diplomas at the Nevada High School auditorium on 9 June 1923.
In 1924, there were nine students who graduated from the 8th grade; Juanita Babbit, Laurence Durby, Marion Gilreath, twins Bernice and Bernita Howland, Frederick Smith, Jeanette Sowers, Grace Sampson and Wayne Slocum.
In 1925 Ethel Burley, Viola Danielson, Ruth Durby, Kimble Peterson, Lena Funk, Thomas King graduated eighth grade.
In 1926: Fifteen graduates from eighth grade: Genevieve Curtis, Kenneth Dawson, Marie Danielson, Herbert Ericson, Jean Frey, Gladys Hansen, Margaret Hereim, Anna Hovland, Dorothea Kimble, Florence King, John King, John Krug, Corrinee Laymon, Thelma Peterson, Earl Prescott. See page 314.
In 1932, the eighth grade graduating class had all boys. (Seniors of 1936. They gained three girls before they graduated) Joe Alfred, Fay Beal, Virgil Brooks, Joe Burley, Leonard Dueland, Edward Eller, Keith Eubanks, Marvin Jacobson, Earl Lee, Henry Peterson, Laverne Sorensen, and Donald Starbuck.