In the May 1880 Nevada Paper there was a short announcement:
“Mrs Potter and Mrs Allen will hold a temperance meeting at the Confare School House, in Milford Township, on Sunday next at 3 p.m.”
Evidence exists that School Number one (which was on the west side of 610 Av. at 170th Street) was called the “Hegland” School and that “Confare” School was Number 6, which would have placed it on the northeast corner of Sec 23 (Also on 610 Ave and 190 Street). The Confare family, a few years later (1883), owned land in the north parts of Secs 13 and 14 which would have placed their property about halfway between schools One and Six. The names of the schools were often the names of the director of the subdistrict schools so the name of the landowner nearest the school might not be the name of the school. The director was responsible for the hiring of the teacher, keeping the coal bin full, upkeep, etc on that school. This policy of referring to the school by the name of the director caused the name of the school to change every so often and so, now, years later, it can be confusing and complicated to place a correct name on a particular school.
In the early twentieth century S.O. Heglands owned land a quarter mile south of number one school on the east side of the road. However, it might have been a little confusing to the people of the area as there was another Hegland School in Sec 19 of Howard Twp, just six miles away, again near land owned by Ole Hegland.