“Death came swiftly early Wednesday afternoon to two Nevada youths on a motorcycle. The victims were sons of Mr. and Mrs. Owen McVey of Route 2, Nevada. Terry Lyn McVey, 14, the driver of the vehicle, and his 10-year-old brother, David Wayne McVey, were killed instantly when their cycle struck a 1967 Chevrolet driven by Roy E. Black, 28, of Nevada.
The accident occurred at 12:50 p.m. two miles north of Nevada at an intersection of two gravel roads. Tall corn in the field made the intersection blind. The McVeys were traveling west on their 1967 Honda and Black was headed north. He did not see the approaching cycle until the last minute, when it was too late. He reportedly swerved to the left, but could not avert the collision.”
The McVeys, at the time, lived at the first place south of Milford Twp School and Terry was in the last kindergarten at Milford. They had four other sons- Ron `65, Gary `68, and Steven `70, at home and Dennis `68 in the U.S. Army in Germany.
Two days later, eighteen year old Rick Black, brother of Roy, was injured, along with three others, in a one car accident one mile north of old 30 and four miles east of Nevada.
David Munson'78RS, son of Arnie and Wilma Munson'42 and , died of a rare disease, Reiedreich's Ataxia, in March of '82 at the age of 22, while a student at Iowa State. He had developed symptoms of the disease, losing his balance, etc., in the fifth or sixth grade. He graduated as an honor student from Roland-Story and was the manager of the wrestling team. He graduated from DMACC and was wheel chair bound during his studies at Iowa State. He always retained an upbeat attitude. At the time of his death he was a patient at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
--Brouhard, located in the middle of Sec 5 was a family cemetery. The Brouhard family was one of the earliest settlers in Milford Twp- arriving in 1853 or `54. This is the place where, at present, there is only one stone, that of a young girl. Anna Brouhard, who, when she had lung congestion, directly inhaled the contents from a steaming teakettle, burned the insides of her throat and died from the results of that on 28 Mar 1856. Apparently this stone has been moved about half way down the hill from its original location. Dorothy Sowers Bielefelt reported there was a large number, “over twenty stones”, in place at the top of the hill in the WWI era. That area is now farmed.
--Pleasant Grove in the NE of Sec 7- begun in 1877.
--Knoll is at the County Home in the north of Sec 35 and used only for the residents of the County Home.
--Evergreen, the newest, 1964, and largest cemetery, is in the center of Sec 36.

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Little Rex H u g h e s * , 11, only son of Loyd and Loretta H u g h e s , suffocated in a large wagon of corn being unloaded by his maternal grandfather. The incident happened at the Hughes family farm on the west side of Sec 14. Loyd and Loretta lived on the east side of Sec 8.
Saturday, Nov 2nd, 1985, was a beautiful warm fall day in Milford Twp and everyone was busy trying to complete the corn harvest. The youngsters were out of school and many were attempting to do their self appointed share to serve the effort. As might be expected, Little Rex was assisting his grandfather in unloading the grain wagons. At about 1 PM Little Rex was sitting on a corner edge of a 650 bushel wagon watching the corn flowing from the wagon and for an unknown reason, went into the grain.
Whether he fell asleep or dropped something into the corn and attempted to retrieve it will never be known but the flowing corn drug him under. Grandfather's attention, at the time, was taken with the project of reinstalling the grain bin door and when he noticed the corn was not flowing as it typically did, he investigated and found the form of the lad partially impeding the corn flow. Little Rex had been around farm equipment and farming all his life, so other than normal concern, there was no reason to be apprehensive about his safety.
The 911 medics were called and CPR was begun before their arrival. The lad was taken to the Nevada Hospital and then life-flighted to Des Moines. Efforts for revival were discontinued at about 10 P.M.
There were two young men suffocated in corn wagons that beautiful fall day in Iowa; one at Milford Twp and the other in the northeast corner of the state.
*He was referred to as “Little Rex Hughes” to distinguish him from his paternal grandfather “Rex Hughes”, 1909-1957.