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Alphabetical Listing of Graduates from 1927-1961 Plus Some Additional Milford Students
(YR= graduation year. A.N.R = from Ames, Nevada or Roland. Yearly classes on pages 183+.)
Alfred Erwin 33
Alfred Jack x39
Alfred Joe 32
Alfred Robert 34
Allen Anne 52
Allen Bill 48
Allen David 55
Allen Eddie 58
Allen George 27
Allen Jack 56
Allen Jane 50A
Allen John 31
Allen Mary 34
Allen Patty 46
Anderson Evelyn 42
Anderson Merrill 49
Anderson Millard 47
Archer Neil 57
Arneson Betty 40
Arneson Carroll x44
Arneson Lola x46
Arrasmith Boyd 35
Arrasmith Max 32
Bailey Doris 41
Bailey Dorothy x44
Bailey Ila Mae 46
Baldus Jerry 57A
Baldus Robert 57A
Ball Stanley x37
Beal Fay 36
Beal Harvey 37
Bhend David 59
Bivens Gordon 44
Book David 70N
Book Dennis 61
Book Jerry 59
Book Loren 64N
Borton Arthur 57
Borton Florine 52
Borton Janice Radabaugh 61
Borton Jurine 56
Borts Delores 41
Borts Donald ‘Jack’ 40
Brekke Wm ‘Bill’ x41
Brodie Doradene 54
Brodie Duane 56
Brodie Rosalma 32
Brooks Carol 69N
Brooks Connie 62N
Brooks Deloris 65N
Brooks Dennis 65N
Brooks Donald 68N
Brooks Douglas 60
Brooks Gary 62N
Brooks Geneive 33
Brooks Isabelle 45
Brooks Jeanette 70N
Brooks Kevin 77N
Brooks LaVern 40
Brooks Lester 32
Brooks Linda 63N
Brooks Mervin 38
Brooks Ronald 65N
Brooks Stephen 63N
Brooks Virgil 36
Brooks Virginia 34
Brown Glen 49
Buchanan Sharyl 59
Burley Alyce 41
Burley Betty 44
Burley Esther 34
Burley Ethel 29
Burley Joseph 36
Burley Lowell 32
Burley Marvin 38
Burley Virgil 29
Buttry Carl 44
Carsrud Dale 55S
Carsrud Linda 63N
Christian Arlet 28
Christian Frances 38
Christian Olive 28
Christian Ruby 30
Christy Bill 42
Clark Russell 44
Clifford Clayton 45
Cole Argle 34
Cole Otis 33
Comfort Harriet 47
Comfort Richard 42
Cooke Lois 30
Cooper Jim 63N
Cooper Joan 50
Cooper Maxine 37
Cooper Monica 69N
Cooper Robert 40
Cooper Sydney 67N
Couser Richard 47
Cox Julie 59
Coy Dick 61
Crouse Franklin 32
Crowe Marvin Dean 51
Crowe Raymond 44
Curtin Joseph x31
Curtis Genevieve 30
Dale Walter 36
Danielson Ann 67N
Danielson Mark 64N
Danielson Ray 27
Danielson Ruby 38
Danielson Viola  29
Day Dorothy 30N
Deal Roger x51
Donaldson Genevieve 34
Donaldson Larry 63N
Donaldson Theresa 30
Donaldson Virginia 29
Donaldson, Theresa 28
Dueland Alvina 33
Dueland Leonard 36N
Durby Ben 39
Durby Bernice x31
Durby Palma 35
Durby Ruth 29
Earwicker Gladys 34
Edgerton Margaret 40
Egland Arlen 64R
Egland Franklin 51R
Egland Glen 43
Egland Kathyrn 65R
Egland Stanley 41
Egland Vernon 50R
Eller Bruce 67N
Eller Fred 64N
Eller Fred ‘Fritz’ 37
Eller Jimmie 70N
Eller John ‘Ed’ 36
Ersland Esther 35
Ersland Robert x43
Eubank Mary 33
Eubank Vera 27
Fausch Dwight 35
Fitzgerald Geraldine 59
Fitzgerald Kathy 69N
Fitzgerald Marjorie 65N
Frey Doris 32
Frey Jean 30
Frey Marjorie 35
Fuss William 60
Gardner LeRoy 50
Gardner Norma Jean52 Daton
Gardner Phyllis 48
Gardner Shirley 46
Gilreath Adeline 32
Gilreath ‘Bud’ x36
Gilreath Marion 29
Gilreath Ordelia 35
Graham Clyta 27
Grimsley Ardyce 41
Grimsley Curtis 44
Grimsley Rhoda 38
Grindem Alice 52
Grindem John 61
Groomes Shirley 58
Hadley Peter 57
Hadley Wilbert 56
Halverson Don 43
Halverson Marguerite46 CoonR
Hansen Alice 55
Hansen Barbara 46
Hansen Charles 52N
Hansen George 27
Hansen Gladys 30
Hansen Janet 60R
Hansen Mabel 32
Hansen Rodney 52
Hansen Sally 43
Harlow Robert 30
Harper Dixon 40
Harper Dorothy 43
Harper Harlan Jr 41
Harper Joe 47
Harper Karel 54A
Harper Lowell 49A
Harper Mary 51A
Harper Roger 46
Hartman Roy 52
Haugland Cynthia 64N
Haugland Elizabeth 55
Haugland Kathleen 65N
Haugland Margaret 62N
Haugland Patricia 58
Hauswirth Norman 53
Hereim John 27
Hereim Margaret 30
Hodgson Irene 56
Honderd Norman 57
Honderd Rhoda 50
Hopkins Michael 65 Ankney
Hopkins Robin 63 Ankney
Hopper Mary 36
Horness Charles 49
Horness Hazel 56
Horness Helen 53
Horness Maxine 62N
Horness Virgil 65N
Hovland Anna 30
Hovland Esther 35
Hovland Louise 31
Howland Bernice 28
Howland Bernita 28
Hughes Dale 55
Hughes Karen 67N
Hughes Linda 63N
Hughes Loyd 56
Hughes Norene 59
Huschka Madeline 45
Jacobson Ardis 35
Jacobson Barbara 66N
Jacobson Bernita 61N
Jacobson Kathy 66N
Jacobson Curtis 40
Jacobson Dorys 42
Jacobson Edith 31
Jacobson Gwendolyn 60
Jacobson JefFrey 33
Jacobson Jerry 51
Jacobson LaVerne 35
Jacobson Marcia 58
Jacobson Marlene 53
Jacobson Marvin 36
Jacobson Robert 57
Jacobson Steven 61
Jacobson Walter 39
Jacobson William 59
Johnson Earl 43
Johnson Howard x44
Johnson Julius 42
Johnson Merril 44
Jones Forest ‘Pete’ 41
Jones Leonard 40
Jorgensen Judith 57
Jorgensen Marlin 54
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