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1968-1998 Graduates (Cont'd)
Spencer, Howard ‘70
Spencer, Julie ‘70
Spencer, Mike ‘74
Sperlich, Alan ‘82
Sperlich, Stacy ‘88
Spiess, Tanya ‘95
Spiess, Tory ‘94
Stahl, Deborah ‘73
Stahl, Elizabeth ‘78
Stansbury, Connie ‘71
Stansbury, Dennis ‘78
Starbuck, Bradley ‘76
Starbuck, Dayton ‘77
Starbuck, Douglas ‘72
Starbuck, Linda ‘78
Stark, Chris ‘91
Stark, Chuck ‘72
Stark, Jeannette ‘81
Stark, Melissa ‘96
Stark, Paul ‘71
Stark, Terry ‘73
Stark, Viki ‘80
Starnes, John ‘98
Starnes, Julie ‘98
Starnes, Mary ‘94
Stefani, Anthony ‘93
Stefani, Mara ‘85
Stefani, Mark ‘83
Stefani, Nicki ‘88
Stefani, Ronald ‘69
Steinburg, John ‘87
Steinburg, Tammy ‘80
Stemier, Craig ’77 deceased
Stemler, Linda ‘70
Stemler, Susan ‘68
Stensland, Julie ‘88
Stensland, Renae ‘93
Stensland, Rhonda ‘89
Stephens, James ‘87
Stephens, Joan ‘81
Stephens, John ‘77
Stephens, Julie ‘84
Sterbenz, Brian ‘84
Sterbenz, Christine‘86  N
Sterbenz, Scott ‘86
Stevens, Beverly ‘81
Stiles, Jennifer ‘95
Stiles, Jessica ‘95
Still, Charleen ‘85
Still, Don ‘88
Stoecker, Stacey ‘92
Stoeffler, Daniel ‘79
Stoeffler, Earl ‘76
Stoeffler, Freddie
Stoeffler, James ‘69
Stoeffler, Paul ‘74
Stoeffler, Shad ‘90
Stoeffler, Shane ‘87
Stoeffler, Shannon ‘88
Stoeffler, Terese ‘82
Stokesbary, Donald ‘89
Stokesbary, Bobby ‘85
Stone, Gary ‘77
Stone, Jodie ‘79
Stone, Julie ‘80
Stone, Kevin ‘75
Stone, Lane Jo ‘69
Stone, Lori ‘81
Stone, Nancy ‘69
Stone, Nathan ‘96  N
Stone, Nicole ‘94  N
Storvick, Christine ‘84
Storvick, Nathan ‘83
Stouwie, Barry ‘81
Stouwie, Kenneth ‘78
Stouwie, Sonja ‘83
Stouwie, Vonda ‘79
Stowe, Laurie ‘87
Stowe, Matt ‘89
Stowe, William ‘77  N
Strah, Andrea ‘94
Strah, Heather ‘98
Stratton, Lisa ‘85
Stratton, Nicki ‘88
Streeter, Jill ‘86
Streeter, Julie ‘81
Streeter, Teri ‘78
Streeter, Terri ‘80
Strohbusch, Kathy ‘93
Strohbusch, Kristina ‘96
Strother, Jacquelyn ‘68
Strum, Amy ‘90
Strum, Brian ‘86
Strum, Elisa ‘88
Strum, Penelle ‘84
Strum, Stanley ‘89
Strum, Sue ‘75
Sudduth, Cathy ‘78
Sudduth, Dale ‘74
Sutherland, Debra ‘83
Sutherland, Jillian ‘68
Sutherland, Mike ‘86
Sutherland, Sandra ‘68
Swan, Renae ‘88
Swanson, Jean ‘80
Swanson, Joan ‘80
Swanson, Joel ‘79
Swanson, John ‘76
Swanson, John ‘93
Swanson, Kathy
Swanson, Michael ‘71
Swanson, Roger, ‘75
Swanson, Teresa ‘96
Swanson, Terry ‘81
Swensen, Marjorie ‘70
Swenson, Troy ‘92
Switer, Bruce ‘71
Tarbox, Todd ‘87
Taylor, Denise ‘86
Taylor, John ‘80
Taylor, Ricky ‘86
Taylor, Robin ‘74
Taylor, Tonya ‘87
Tendall, Brad ‘97
Tendall, Gail ‘69
Tendall, Jamie ‘98
Tendall, Michael ‘75
Tendall, Roger ‘71
Tendall, Steven ‘69
Tendall, Tim ‘73
Tendall, Vicki ‘68
Terrones, Greg ‘86
Terry, April ‘74
Terry, Brad ‘79
Terry, Wendy ‘77
Tharp, Robert ‘91
Thogerson, Eric ‘98
Thomas, Becky ‘78
Thomas, Derek ‘97
Thomas, Gloria ‘82
Thomas, Jason ‘91
Thomas, Jeff ‘89
Thomas, Jim ‘74
Thomas, Jody ‘89
Thomas, Julie ‘93
Thomas, Michelle ‘75
Thomas, Pamela ‘70
Thomas, Rae ‘79
Thomas, Randy ‘97
Thomas, Theresa ‘95
Thompson, Amy ‘93
Thompson, Angela ‘95
Thompson, Brenda ‘88
Thompson, Cami ‘89
Thompson, Carol ‘68
Thompson, Dale ‘68
Thompson, Danny ‘69
Thompson, Dennis ‘70
Thompson, Eugenia ‘80
Thompson, Gary ‘71
Thompson, Greg
Thompson, Harlan ‘68
Thompson, Joe ‘74
Thompson, Jolene ‘78
Thompson, Judy ‘72
Thompson, Kenneth ‘69
Thompson, Kevin 82
Thompson, Krista ‘89
Thompson, Linda ‘71
Thompson, Rudy ‘78
Thompson, Scott ‘80
Thompson, Stephen ‘68
Thomsen, James ‘72 Class Pres
Thomsen, Michelle ‘97
Thorp, Ben ‘97
Tichenor, Corrie ‘97
Tichenor, Leslie ‘88
Tichenor, Rae ‘95
Tiffany, Michaele ‘84
Tillman, Michael ‘91
Tillotson, Amy ‘69
Tillotson, Keith ‘68
Tillotson, Kevin ‘97
Timmins, Joseph ‘96
Tingley, Paula ‘75
Tipton, Paul ‘76
Tjelmeland, Dean ‘76
Tjelmeland, Leo James ‘68
Tjelmeland, Gail ‘72
Tolle, Johnny ‘96
Tolley, Parry ‘87
Toms, D.J. ‘89
Toms, Elizabeth ‘93
Toms, Lynda ‘86
Toms, Marshall ‘94
Toot, Austin ‘97
Toot, Darren ‘96
Toot, Eric ‘87
Toot, Erin ‘89
Toot, Jenny ‘98
Toot, Mark ‘69
Toot, Mary ‘73
Toot, Paul ‘77
Toot, Shane ‘89
Tope, Janet ‘86
Tope, Julie ‘77
Tope, Kathleen ‘79
Tope, Timothy ‘81
Torres, Maria ‘94
Torres, Tono ‘98
Towle, Brandie ‘92
Tracy, Jeff ‘92
Tracy, Jeramie ‘92
Treadway, Stacey ‘88
Treadway, Tracey ‘88
Trickey, Craig ‘76
Trickey, Kim ‘74
Tripp, Ed ‘73
Truitt, Amanda ‘97
Truitt, Laura ‘95
Truitt, Melissa ‘89
Truitt, Stacie ‘90
Trulin, Michael ‘83
Trulin, Scott ‘81
Trulin. Debra ‘82
Tscherter, Scott ‘92
Tscherter, Tracy ‘94
Tuma, Jolene ‘87
Tuma, Larry ‘84
Turner, Cheryl ‘74
Turner, Danny ‘77
Turner, Debra ‘78
Turner, Donald ‘80
Turner, Doug ‘82
Tuttle, Shelley ‘92
Twedt, Nancy ‘71
Tye, Allan ‘76
Tye, Jeanine ‘71
Tye, Kevin ‘73
Uhlenhopp, Jacob ‘95
Uhlenhopp, Janelle ‘97
Uhlenhopp, Nicholas ‘98  N
Ullrick, Kimberly ‘81
Ullrick, Vicki ‘77
Upchurch, Tonda ‘97
Upchurch, Tori ‘95
Utesch, Kim ‘95
Valentine, Tonya ‘85
Valline, James ‘80
Valline, Jennifer ‘86
Valline, Jodi ‘78
Valline, John ‘83
Valline, John ‘86
Valline, Joseph ‘82
Valline, Julee ‘80
Valline, Paula ‘69
Valline, Steve ‘89
Valline, Tamari ‘79
Valline, Tina ‘84
Valline, Todd ‘81
Valline, Troy ‘86
Van Allen, Tony ‘91
VanTilbury, Bunny ‘73
VanTilbury, David ‘71
VanTilbury, Jill ‘72
VanTilbury, Linda ‘64
VanTilbury, Varner ‘69
VanDePol, Eric ‘87
VanDePol, Jenifer ‘89  N
VanderWall, Cristi ‘76  N
VanderWall, Brian ‘85
VanderWall, Jesse ‘96
Vannorsdal, Russell ‘93
Vannorsdel, Monte ‘70
Vannorsdel, Toni ‘74
VanSickle, Cory ‘97
VanSickle, Debra ‘80
VanSickle, James ‘77
VanSickle, Peggy ‘79
VanTilbury, Dallas ‘77
Vasey, Gary ‘68
Vasey, Jaret ‘91
Vasey, Jeanne ‘77
Vasey, Julie ‘94
Vasey, Justin ‘93
Vasey, Rodney ‘79
Vaughan, Jeff  ‘97
Vaughan, Lisa ‘97
Vaughn, Trudy ‘72  ?
Veach, Kenneth ‘71
Vernon, Deb ‘82
Vernon, Troy ‘88
Vesey, Virginia ‘80
Vicker, Lisa ‘96
Vicker, Melissa ‘90
Vicker, Robbie ‘91
Vier, Kevin ‘82
Vier, Randall ‘79
Vincent, Brad ‘91
Vincent, Brian ‘86
Vincent, Jason ‘88
Vincent, Todd ‘83
Vincent, Troy ‘92
Vinzant, Kris ‘91
Vinzant, Mike ‘88
Vinzant, Randy ‘76
Vinzant, Richard ‘68
Vogt, Sharon ‘88
Vogt, Kim ‘86
Wagner, Julie ‘86
Wait, Charles ‘81  N
Wait, Ellen ‘76  N
Wait, Mike ‘74
Wakefield, Ann ‘71
Wakefield, Bill ‘68
Wakefield, Lori ‘74
Wakefield, Michael ‘71
Wakefield, Molly ‘73 see page 94
Wakefield, Rod ‘75
Wakefield, Ted ‘77
Walker, Catherine ‘76
Walker, Charles ‘76
Walker, Charles ‘93
Walker, Jami ‘96
Walker, Lori ‘78
Walker, Matt ‘95
Walker, Scott ‘81
Wallingford, Teresa ‘87
Walter, Allan ‘82
Walter, David ‘77
Walter, John ‘78
Walter, Lynna ‘89
Walter, Thomas ‘72  N
Walters, Barbara ‘75
Walters, James ‘70
Warner, Ginger ‘88
Warner, Sara ‘90
Warren, Jessica ‘94
Warren, Josh ‘97
Wascher, Danielle ‘92
Wascher, Kimberly ‘80
Wascher, Scott ‘81
Watertor, Brenda ‘81
Watertor, Brett ‘77
Wathen, Amanda ‘97
Watkins, Justin ‘94
Watkins, Travis ‘98
Watson, Bradley’79 R-Story
Watson, Cindy ‘72 R-Story
Watson, Diane ‘68 Roland
Watson, Kevin ‘74 R-Story
Watson, Tim ‘71 R-Story
Watson, Wendy ‘80
Wauson, Eric ‘94
Wauson, Matthew’90
Wauson, Molly ‘98
Weber, Adam ‘98
Weber, Kirsten ‘97  N
Webster, Josh ‘97
Webster, Shane ‘97
Wehrman, Jaime ‘96
Wehrman, Michelle ‘95
Weiland, Debra ‘81
Wells, Debbie ‘72  N
Wenke, Terry ‘89
West, Kim ‘71
West, Kirk ‘68
Westphal, Jeremy ‘95
Weuve, Brandi ‘95
Weuve, Kristie ‘85
Weuve, LuAnn ‘71
Weuve, Pam ‘86
Weuve, Vicky Jo ‘69
Weyant, Danette ‘77
Weyant, James ‘86
Weyant, Kim ‘81
Wheeland, Allison ‘86
Wheeland, Paul ‘89
Wheelock, Bethany ‘90
Wheelock, Davin ‘92
Wherrett, Carl ‘86
Wherrett, Lynn ‘79
Wherrett, Pamela ‘84
Wherrett, William ‘81
Whinery, Andrea ‘87
Whinery, Mark ‘89
Whitakre, Mike ‘87
Whitaker, Ardee ‘73
Whitaker, B.J. ‘98
Whitaker, Eldon ‘78
Whitaker, Jill  ‘87
Whitaker, Rhonda ‘76
Whitcanack, Elisa ‘77
Whitcanack, Lex ‘73
Whitcanack,Lee ‘71
White, Elaine ‘85
White, James ‘82
White, Kathy ‘94
White, Kevin ‘76
White, Laura ‘77
White, Vicky ‘86  N
Whitehead,  J.J. ‘96
Whitehead, Corey ‘98
Whitehead, Ernie ‘74
Whitehead, Joel ‘71
Wicks, Alan ‘69 Class Pres
Wicks, Charles ‘71
Wicks, Douglas ‘68
Wicks, Tim ‘72
Wieland, Lisa ‘88
Wierson, Claude ’Ray ‘70 Class Pres
Wierson, Claudine ‘70
Wierson, Mary ‘76
Wierson, Margaret
Wild, Lisa ‘94
Wild, Mary Ann ‘92
Wild, Mike ‘90
Wilkening, Bradley ‘70
Wilkening, Bret ‘77
Wilkening, Brian ‘78
Wilkening, Jennifer ‘87
Wilkening, Shawn ‘78
Wilkening, Shelly ‘72  N
Wilkening, Stacie ‘69
Wilkening, Stephanie ‘85
Wilkinson, Kent ‘72
Wilkinson, Kris ‘74
Williams, Brad ‘73
Williams, Daniel ‘84
Williams, David ‘80
Williams, Debra ‘86
Williams, Gary ‘72
Williams, Jacob B.‘94
Williams, Jill ‘97
Williams, Jodi ‘88
Williams, Kevin ‘80
Williams, Mary ‘73
Williams, Mary Ann ‘95
Williams, Matt ‘96
Williams, Michael ‘69
Williams, Nathan ‘90
Williams, Pamela ‘68
Williams, Randy ‘73
Williams, Renee ‘78
Williams, Rick ‘69
Williams, Robin ‘Rob ‘72
Williams, Rochelle "Shelly" ‘80
Williams, Sandra ‘71
Williams, Sara ‘93 ‘??
Williams, Shara ‘94 ‘??
Williams, Shelley ‘92
Williams, Tina ‘97
Williams, Tom ‘93
Williamson, Jeremy ‘94
Willis, David ‘76
Willis, Donald ‘82
Willson, Ben ‘93 Class Pres
Willson, Gail ‘68
Willson, Patty  ‘69
Willwerth, Teresa ‘80
Wilson, Cherene ‘90
Wilson, Chris ‘95
Wilson, Diane ‘71
Page 337 of 354

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