which at the present time, is a real surprise. I don't recall Dave ever saying what reaction his folks had. No new School policies were issued although I vaguely remember there being a suggestion by the School authorities before the next game that students should not go out of the building during games; but I don't think it was enforced.
I occasionally reflect on the difference between the reaction by the School Administration and my folks then and what would happen if that situation were repeated today. Times were different I guess. But to me- the old saying about “Boys will be boys” has some validity and it was a valuable learning experience.
Connie Brooks `62N reminisces of her brother Clint `68N and sister, Carol `69N and relates the following memory of a time just before Clint's death in Nov of 2007. They are the children of LaVern `40 and Dorris Brooks and grandchildren of David and Jenny Brooks.
Clint Brooks always reminded my sister, Carol Griffieon, and me how it was important to remember and keep track of our heritage. One of the last things we talked and laughed about prior to his passing is how- when we attended PTA, 4-H, basketball games, any community or church function, and the farm wives always brought desserts at the least, and oftentimes main dishes, as part of just what you did when you met with community. Everyone would use Bandage brand white adhesive tape and put that on their bowls/ pans/ pots with their names. No matter what, you always got those dishes back - and clean. Clint had a set of 3 mixing bowls and a covered 9 x13 pan that our mom, Dorris (LaVern) Brooks always used for taking to `events'......and that was one of the last things he shared and gave to me prior to his death. What great reminder of my heritage-- especially as we shared it in Milford Township.
The earliest report of an automobile accident that occurred in Milford Twp was on Wed 18 July 1918. The accident happened at a point two miles east of the Pleasant Grove Church. Ed Hall, driver, two of his sisters, and a young couple were in the vehicle that left the road east bound and rolled over on its top. Abrasions and cuts from flying glass were the injuries and how they escaped more serious injuries is unbelievable. The Halls are thought to have lived 1 mile north of the School and a quarter mile east.
Do you know that Loren Rierson owned the first “Ball-point pen” in Milford Twp School? Or so it's reported.
John Heriem, age 25, who lived a mile east and 1/2 mile north of Milford School, east bound on what would now be called 190th Street, ran his Ford into a “drove” of cattle after dark on Thursday night, 3 Sept 1931.
The cattle, headed west, were being lead by Fred Barrett in a car signaling approaching cars and he had other men driving the cattle. The collision, which killed two cattle and injured four others, badly damaged the Ford and John suffered facial and scalp wounds, as well as other bruises. He was taken to the office of Dr. Bowers in Nevada.
It is thought that Fred Barrett lived two and 3/4 miles east of Milford School. John Heriem would be the brother of Mrs Gilreath, well known Milford Grade School teacher, and graduated in Milford's first graduation class.