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Milford Township and Proud of It

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Page 303 of 354
1955: Top: Georgia Roberts, Supt Hopkins, Prin Ev Cochrane, Elizabeth Haugland. Lower: Dale Hughes, Shirley Molde, Alice Hansen, Donna Sorem, David Allen.
1956: Top: Duane Brodie, Hazel Horness, Supt Keith Hopkins, Prin Ev Cochrane, Jurine Borton, Jack Allen.Middle: Loyd Hughes, Ronald Otto. Lower: Vernon Olson, Edwin Needham, Larry Miller, Irene Hodgson, Wilbert Hadley.
1957: Top: Athur Borton, Marlene Morfey, Robert Jacobson, Supt Keith Hopkins, Peter Hadley, Sandra Mortvedt, Neil Archer. Lower: Alan Twedt, Judith Jorgensen, Jimmie Thompson, William Thompson, Barbara Sorem, Norman Honderd.
1958: Top: Marcia Jacobson, Charles Larson, Supt CP Thompson, Prin Lou Schrader, Earl Otto, Janet Rasmusson. Lower: Patricia Haugland, Rita Thomas, Eddie Allen, Roger Thompson, Doris Pauley, Shirley Grooms.
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