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Milford Township and Proud of It

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7th and 8th grade Basketball in 1951: Front: Duane Brodie, Ron Otto, Dale Carsrud, David Allen, Dale Hughes. Back: Loyd Hughes, Ed Needham, Wilbert Hadley, Larry Miller, Earl Jones, Coach Mr Paul. Dale, David and Dale are in the eighth grade and the other fellows are in the seventh. Looks like "Shirts against the Skins".
1928-'29 School Bus Wagon Driver's Contract

There's not a lot of details but what's there is interesting. The driver, a lady, for route five, was to furnish a team of safe and strong horses, have the students to School between 8:30 and 8:45 and leave School by 3:45. She also was to supply comfortable blankets and robes, refrain from the use of profanity in the presence of the pupils, not use tobacco in any form in the presence of the pupils, not race the busses and use them for no other purpose. She could wait no longer than three minutes at any home and was supposed to "blow a whistle at each home" There's no mention of the distance to be traveled or the number of pupils to be carried, or who has to supply the hay or a bobsled. For this the Board, with Carl Warren as President, would pay her $48 a month.

* Pull, Buddy, Pull *

I can't vouch for the authenticity of this report but it came from a normally "reliable source" - An old timer from Milford Township.

The young Milford Bus Driver had his bus mired down in the mud and one of Milford's resourceful farmers just happened to come by with his big strong horse-Buddy.

He hitched ol' Buddy up to the bus and shouted to the horse, "Pull, Nellie, pull". Buddy didn't move.

Then the farmer shouted, "Pull, Barney, pull!" Again Buddy didn't move.

Then the farmer casually said, "Pull, Buddy, pull" and Buddy easily pulled the bus out of the mud hole.

The young bus driver was very appreciative and very curious and asked the farmer why he had twice deliberately called his horse by the wrong name.

The farmer replied that Buddy is blind and if he had thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn't have even tried.

Graduating Classes from 1928- 1961 1927, 1932, 1949, 1961 on Pages 187 and 188
Above: 1928 Top: Leota Lee, Bernita Howland, Jeanette Sowers. 2nd: Supt Mickelson, Prin Edith Myers. 3rd: Theresa Donaldson, Olive Christian, Arlet Christian, Marie McCaffrey. Bottom: Wayne Slocum, Millard McCoy, Bernice Howland.
Left: 1929 Top: Supt Weyrauch, 2nd: Viola Danielson, Ruth Durby, Virginia Donaldson. 3rd: Ethel Burley, Kimball Peterson, Virgil Burley. 3rd: Emarine Sloan. Bottom: Marion Gilreath, Helen Gaffrey, Prin Edith Myers.
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