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The search for the Volunteer Service- without pay -Milfordites are involved with should be credited to Patsy Jane Manley Smith, the only girl in the Class of 1951. She formatted the form which was sent out with the 2007 Milford Reunion Invitation. Spelled out below is a summary of finding as stimulated from the mailing. A good majority of Milfordites are very involved with their church. Besides the regular numerous officers, committees, circles, groups etc some findings are:

Choir: Dix Harper'40, Gloria Warren Grant'48, Clarion Thompson'54 (52 years).

Religious Councils: Myrtle Nassen Harper'42, Jeanne Stratton Painter'43

COMMUNITY SERVICE (Clubs, Business or groups not listed- too many, that's great!) were:

City Council: Ben Durby `39, Roland: Julie Cox Todd `59 at Spillville, IA.

Exchange Youth or Adults: Jurine Borton Moore'56: 4-H youth and leaders 1 wk; a Japanese English Teacher-6 weeks. Earl & Doris Pauley Otto (both `58): 2 Russian Dr's 1 wk. Fireman: Loyd Hughes `56 (Milford Twp); Earl Otto `58 (Colo).

Habitat for Humanity (Housing): Harlan Harper Jr'47 (Credited for starting it and helped with 16 homes); Mary Harper Lackore'51.

Homeowners Assoc: Stanley Egland'41(Stone Brooke), Richard Warren `48.

Kind Deeds: Earl Otto (snow plowing). (I'm sure many others by Milfordites too!) Also, see page 273.

School (teachers aid etc): Harriet Comfort `47, Mary Harper Lackore'51 (English as a second Language and grade school pen pal writing); Bonny Rierson `52 (Elem). Geri Fitzgerald Dobbe `59 (Elem reading)

4-H Leaders: many (see 4-H Representation pg 238)

Little League: Ron Otto'56.

Scout Leaders/Masters: Mabel Hansen Alfred'32, Myrtle Nassen Harper'42, Gloria Warren Grant'48, Lois Warren Logan `50, Earl and Doris Otto(both'58), Virgil Horness'65.

Ushering or Hospitality: Patsy Manley Smith'51 (Friendly Visitors); Alice Grindem Petersen'52 (Comm College); Jurine Borton Moore'56 (Paramount Theater and Theater Cedar Rapids).

HISTORICAL LIBRARIES, MUSEUMS or SITES revealed various committees, restoration or preservation, some were:

African American Museum of Iowa: Jurine Borton Moore'56 (founding committee work and Life Membership).

Historical Society: Glen Sampson'43 (Nevada); Joe Harper'47 (Colo).

Living History Farm (of Iowa) in Des Moines: Fred Matters'44; Dale Hughes'55.

LBJ Presidential Library, Austin, TX: Mavis Warren'46 Nelson


Health issues: Harriet Comfort'43 Whitmore; Glen Sampson'43 (Sr Care); Jeanne Stratton'43 Painter; Gordan Bivens Sr & Prisoners Care; Jane Allen McCoy'50 (National Alliance for Mental Illness); Patsy Jane Manley Smith'51 (Phone Alert League and Suicide & Crisis Intervention); Alice Grindem Petersen'52 (Philanthropy and Sr Computer Group); Bonny Rierson (Sr Care); Doradene Brodie Thompson'54 (Cancer); Ruth Warren Paulsen `54 (Hospital and Sr Care); Jurine Borton Moore'56 (Sr Care).

Hospice or Hospital: Wm L.'Bill'Sharpe'38; Myrtle Nassen Harper'42; Jeanne Stratton'42, Dorothy Harper Likely `43; Mavis Warren'46; Harriet Comfort'47;

Meal provision: Dix Harper'40, Myrtle Nassen Harper'42, Patsy Manley Smith'51, Fritz Morris'54, Barbara Swim Brousard'57.

Organ donor commitment: Charles'Art'Cooling'47, body to U of I; Loren Olson'52; Jurine Borton Moore'56, body to Uof I (since 1966); Alan Twedt'57, eyes.

ORGANIZATIONS not previously mentioned:

Farm Broadcasters Assoc: Historian- Dix Harper `40

Iowa Comm Blind: Gordon Bivens `44

Northwest Antique Aircraft Club: George Lendell Manley `46 (owns a 1946 Piper Cub)

Radcliffe Garden Club, Pres 7yrs Myrtle Nassen Harper'42

R.S.V.P: Myrtle Nassen Harper'42

YMCA: Stanley Sorem'47 (Pres.), Wanona, MN.

Some other representation reported below:

1939 Ben Durby: Ben, the 14 th child of Peder and Maren Durby, farmed after graduation in 1939. He also has operated an oil, gas and grocery store in Roland and was employed ??? years at the National Animal Disease Center in SW Milford Township. Ben served 42 years as Secretary or Superintendent of Bergan Lutheran Sunday School and at one point had 26 years of perfect attendance. Ben served as the Roland, then the Roland-Story (and known to occasionally help at Milford Twp), home basketball game Official Timekeeper for 50 years. He was an eligible bachelor for may years before he married Lois Sevde Stone March 17, 1968, when he also "Volunteered" to become the father of five step-children: Dennis, Steven, Larry, Debra and Susan. 7/12/21-11/28/94

1940 Dixon Harper: In 1993 he set up a $1000 scholorship endowed in Ag Bus. at U of NC State.

1941 Stanley D. Egland: Served on a variety of Board responsibilities including Pres Roland-Nevada Coop 11yrs; Pres of the Pork Producers, Nevada Lions Club.

1941 Harlan P. Harper: Served on a variety of boards; Radcliffe Coop 21yrs as Sec.; Hamilton Co Farm Bureau 16 yrs; Kiwanis, Story City, Sec. 10 yrs, on his recognized efforts his wife, Myrtle Nassen'42 Harper, was made an Honorary Lifetime Member and they renamed the Key Club $1500 Scholarship the Harlan Harper Scholarship. Harlan

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