The following article was authored by Vera Stevenson Tarman, a graduate with the 1932 class:
“In the fall of 1924 I started 5th grade in Milford Consolidated School. I rode to school in a horse drawn bus. My teacher was Miss Adams. I only knew two girls, Gladys and Mabel Hanson. Mabel was in my grade and she helped me get acquainted with the other boys and girls. To this day we still send each other Birthday and Christmas cards. The last time I saw her was at our 65th class reunion.
“The next four years were spent getting used to being a farm girl. I had always lived in town. There was not much time for playing with dolls anymore as there were chores to be done. The church we attended was four miles away in Nevada. (I had been used to walking to church) This was a real adjustment as farm boys and girls were looked down upon as not being as good as the town ones.
“One of the fun things we did in the sixth grade (1925-'26) was to have a girl's club called MMM Milford Merry Maids) We met every two weeks and had lots of fun playing games and learning to dance.
“In 8th grade our Music teacher organized a Girl's Glee Club. From then on I was always in some form of music.
“In 9th grade was when I knew for sure I wanted to became a teacher. We had something new Home Economics. My teacher was Miss Myers. She became my mentor and from then on I wanted to be just like her. She was short, very pretty and a great teacher. I learned so much from her about how to act and relate to other people. I had two years with her.
“I was always in Girl's Glee Club in High School. We entered some of the county contests. We were pretty good. Our plans to go to the State contest was halted by a snow storm that closed all the roads.
“In my Junior years we produced class plays. In “Oh Kay“ I played Kay Miller, a detective. The operetta was Sun Bonnet Sue in which I sang two solos.
“Living in a rural area we didn't have many parties. My Mother had a party for my 16th birthday. We had a Junior-Senior Hunt party, Roselma Brodie had a Halloween party and the Juniors had a class party at the roller skating hall in Nevada.
“My Senior year was a mixture of many feelings. We wee just beginning to feel the effects of the Depression. Not only that we were having a drought that resulted in poor crops. My Dad had to sell the hogs