Class picture were printed in the annuals between 1949 and 1961, most class list in this book where gleaned from those annuals. Other depended on memory. A list of other students known to attend Milford, but not sure when or what class levels:Delmer & Robert Allen, Dwight Barnett, Darwin Borts, Opal Ericson (1927), Patty Eller, Edward, Bernice & Helen Farni, Mary Lou French, John Hereim, Juelle & Lois Ann Johnson {m Malcom Turington} (1940), Evelyn & Sybil Kuhn, Gorden & Herman Twedt (1925).
1941 11 members, 5 boys and 6 girls
Superintendent B. G. Halverson deceased, No Principal, Jr Class Play: "Take it Easy"
Doris Bailey deceased 1999 married Ralph Bayer deceased 1 son, Doris taught Dale Carnegie courses in Detroit, MI
Delores Borts deceased 1990 married Rubin Petersen deceased 1 son 2 daughters, aka: Doris/`Topsy' last known address in a nursing home in Madrid,IA
Alyce Burley deceased 2011 married Leo Ververs deceased, last known address in Phoenix, AZ
Stanley Egland deceased 2005 married 1956 2) Joan Hill Pratty 2 sons 3 daughters married 49yrs, last known address Ames, IA, married 1)Janice Leeper deceased 1955
Ardyce Grimsley deceased 2010 married 1941 John Peterson deceased 1992 1 son 3 daughters married 51 yrs
Harlan Harper Jr deceased 2003 married 1946 Myrtle Nassen'42 3 daughters married 59 yrs, last known address Story City, IA
Forest 'Pete' Jones deceased 1991 married _____ ______ deceased, last known address Des Moines, IA
Kermit O. Molde married 1947 JoAnn B. Durby, a church friend, 2 sons 1 daughter, last known address Story City, IA
Ruby Nassen married 1943 Rev Leon Triggs deceased 2004 1 son 3 daughters married 61 yrs, last known address in a nursing home in West Branch,IA
Arnold J. Nelson, deceased married Margaret 'Peg' Short deceased, last known address Oceanside, CA
Ione Sampson married Elwood French deceased, last known address Nevada, IA 50201
Other classmates:
Wm 'Bill' J. Brekke married 1948 Lorraine Miller 2 sons 6 daughters, last known address Chester, IA,
Darlene Morris
Annabelle Peterson married Edwin Corbin deceased 1 son 1 daughter
Marvin Smith II deceased 1974 married Delores Jane Martin deceeased 2002 2 sons 2 daughers see page 316.
1942 11 members, 6 boys and 5 girls
Superintendent B.G. Halverson deceased, No Principal. Jr Class Play: "Tulip Time"; Sr Class Play: "Too Many Relatives." Jr-Sr Banquite at the Sheldon-Munn Hotel, Ames
Evelyn Anderson married Clifford Lange deceased 3 sons 1 daughter, last known address Adams, MN
Bill Christy deceased married Julie G. Solyst deceased 2 sons 1 daughter
Richard Comfort deceased 2004 married 1946 Trilla Hunter deceased 1 son 2 daughters, married 58yrs, last known address Deputy Sheriff Pilot in Black Canyon,AZ
Dorys Jacobson deceased 2006 married 1944 Jesse Helland deceased 3 sons 1 daughter See page 223.
Julius 'Jude' Johnson, Senior class President, deceased 2009 married 1950 Juanita Allen attended with class 1943 deceased 2010, married 59yrs
Kathleen 'Kay' Matters deceased 1986 married Paul Nott deceased 1 daughter
Arnold Munson deceased 1999 married 1946 Wilma M. Hartman 1 son 2 daughters married 53yrs, last known address Ames, IA 50010
Myrtle P. Nassen, Valedictorian married 1946 Harlan Harper Jr'41 deceased 2003 3 daughters, married 57yrs, last known address Story City, IA 50248
Leo Tjelmeland married 1947 Sally Banks deceased 2001 3 sons 1 daughter, married 54yrs, last known address Nevada, IA 50201
Guy Jr Wakefield deceased 2006 married 1945 Lula Thompson sister of Milfordite deceased 2007 2 sons 2 daughters, married 61yrs, last known address on farm in Milford Twp
Beulah Walston deceased married John Sharp deceased
Other classmates:
Carroll Arneson deceased 2013 married Deloris Tjernagel 2 sons 2 daughters
Joyce Starbuck married Marvin Stenson
1943 10 members, 6 boys and 4 girls
Superintendent B.G. Halverson deceased, No Principal
Glen R. Egland, Senior class President married 1945 June Michaelson deceased 2002 3 sons 3 daughters, last known address Story City, IA
Don Halverson married 2)Esther Forest last known address Carroll, IA 51401, married 1)Mary Keister deceased 5 sons --includes twin boys
Sally Hansen deceased married Raymond Sorensen'39 deceased 2 daughters
Dorothy Harper, Valedictorian married 1944 Rev Charles Likely a church friend deceased 2004, 4 sons 2 daughters, married 60yrs, last known address St Louis, MO
Earl Johnson deceased 2005 married Lillie May `Kay' Hand deceased 1976 1 son 2 daughters, Killed on Hwy 30 E of Boone, IA, see page 78.
Darlene Morris deceased 1987 married 1945 Luther 'Luke' Beach deceased 1986 2 daughters
Ed 'Glen' Sampson married 1948
Ethyleen Johnson a church friend 1 son 1 daughter married 61yrs-last known address Nevada, IA 52201Jeanne P. Stratton married divorced 2)Richard Painter, last known address Des Moines, IA 50314, married 1)Loyd J. Miller deceased
Raymond Tendall deceased 1958 married 1946 Norma Kirby deceased 1 son 2 daughters, Killed on the CNW train track in Nevada ,IA, see page 78.
Harold Tjelmeland deceased 2006 married 1945 Helen Vickers..1 daughter, married 61yrs,..Always farmed! Bought the Tjelmeland Family Farm in 1976
Other classmates:
Gerald Borwick deceased
Kathryn Day deceased
Robert Ersland deceased 2005 married Ila Dolph 3 sons 2 daughters, last known address Huxley, IA
Beverly Haas deceased
Juanita Allen deceased 2010 married Julius 'Jude' Johnson deceased 2009
Juella Allen married Merril Clark
Marvin Nelson deceased
1944 12 members, 8 boys and 4 girls
Superintendent B.G. Halverson deceased, No Principal
Gordon E. Bivens deceased 2011, Senior class President, Valedictorian married 1953 Muriel Collier 3 sons 1 daughter married 56yrs,.last known address Indianiola, IA 50125 see Gordon on page 208
Betty Jean Burley married 1944 1)Cecil Henderson deceased 1974, married 1977 divorced 1998 2)Glenn Pfantz, last known address Story City, IA 50248
Carl L. Buttry deceased 1996 married 1953 Delores Hanson 1 son
Russell M. Clark deceased married 1948 Dorothy 'Mickey' Bailey sister of Milfordite deceased 2003 2 daughters, POW, last known addresss BlueSprings,MO
Raymond L. Crowe deceased married Helen _____ deceased
Curtis E. Grimsley deceased married Ruth Frieth deceased
Merril R. Johnson deceased 1956 married _____ _____ 3 children, Killed in car accident Hwy 30, see page 78.
Fred J. Matters married 1950 Lorine Rosewell 1 son 2 daughters, last known address Urbandale, IA 50322
Dorothy Mae Molde married divorced Harlan Kreutner, last known address Ames, IA
Mary Alice Maxwell married _____ _____
Marie G. Nassen, Valedictorian married 1)Lester Briker deceased 3 sons, married 3)Mac McClain deceased 1989 1 son 1 daughter, married divorced 2)Lee Baker
Marvin L. Sorensen deceased 1952 single, `Ole', killed in single engine plane over farm, see pages 39, 246, 320.
Other classmates:
Dorothy Bailey
Howard M. Johnson deceased 2008 married 2)Loretta F. Shaver married 1950 1) Pearl Abramson deceased 3 sons, last known address MarsHalltown, IA,
Russell E. Morfey deceased 2005 single,
Harold Shearer married Nina
Marilyn Smith deceased 2009 married Ray Lounsberry 2 sons 1 daughter, last known address Nevada, Iowa.
1945 8 members, 3 boys and 5 girls
Superintendent B.G. Halverson deceased, No Principal
Isabelle Brooks deceased 2013 married 1946 Donald Hillis deceased 1996 1 son 2 daughters, last known address Story City, IA 50248
Clayton Clifford, Valedictorian deceased 2009 married 1967 Martha Wirtz 3 daughters, last known address Ames, IA
Madeline Huschka deceased married Ben _____ deceased
Katherine Olinger deceased 2005 Single, last known Teacher & she farmed in Fairchild,WILois J. Sorensen married 1948 Juell R. Sandvold deceased 2002, 2 sons 1 daughter, last known address Nevada, IA
WallaceTjelmeland deceased 1998 married Norma Smith
Wesley Warren deceased 2000 married 1952 Ruth Miller 1 son 2 daughters
Arlene Williams deceased 2010 married divorced 1)__Kienast deceased, married 2) ____Strassburger, last known address nursing home in Lexington,KY
Class History:
In the fall of 1933 the Class of 1945, 26 students started first grade at Milford Twp, including graduates: Isabelle Brooks, Katherine Olinger, Lois Jean Sorensen, Wallace Tjelmeland, Wesley Warren and Arlene Williams. The other 2 grads joined later- Clayton Clifford 4 and Madeline Huschka 11. A total of 42 students experienced education at Milford, the others and their grade level/s were: Patty Allen 1`, Lawrence Arneson 4-11 deceased 1997, Doris Davis 3, Donald Day 3-11, Junior Durby 3-9 & 11, Anna Earwicker 1-3, Robert Eller 2-4, Elmer Farni 4-6, Melvin Finch 4, Jimmy Gilreath1, Roger Harper 1-2, Betty and Marion Heintz 1, Cary Herndon 8, Anne B. Johnson1-8, , Evelyn Kaltenheuser l, June Kauwell 1-6, Robert Mathison 5, Donald Morfey 1, Louise Morris 3-6 & 9-11 married 19'45 Charles Everette 'Hook' McCoy deceased 4 sons 1 daughter, Stanley Olson 1-5, Mary1 and Peter Rasmusson 1-4, Carroll Green 1, Patricia1-4 & Robert Sandwick 4-5, Norma Seestrum 3, Malene Severtson 3-4, Howard Shively 1, Donald Smith 1-4, Richard Sorensen 1, Darrell Starbuck deceased 2009 1-7 married 1948 Jean McAtee 3 sons 2 daughters, Robert Watson 1-2, Earl Weeks 1. Teachers: 1st Miss Crouch, 2nd Miss Gunderson, 3rd she & Mrs McCoy, 4-5th Miss Narland, 6th Mr Larson (who took kids to Veisha in his Model A), 7-8th Mr Lee (The class tried skipping school to go to Veisha by bikes & walking. Supt Halverson gave class a lecture & sent letters home to the parents.) 9th Halverson, Mr Lindberg, Miss Gore, Mrs Lee, Miss Bergland (Mixed chorus & the B & G glee clubs sang on the Ames & MarsHalltown Radio Stations.) 10th Miss Switzer, Mrs Grout, Mrs Jorgenson, Mrs Oliver (no discipline in Mrs J's class. A beautiful Christmas program under Miss Olsons direction.) 11th Mrs Masson, Miss Olson, Miss Ringgenberg (Play- "The Neighbor Next Door", Skating Party at Carr's Roller Rink, Banquet at Sheldon Munn Hotel, Ames with Clayton as Toastmaster.) 12th Halverson, Mrs Masson Mrs Ramsey Mrs McLanghlin (Teachers were all married for the first time.) (Play- "Growing Pains", Story Co Girls Basketball Consolation Trophy and Milford had a 1st Team All County Guard_? and 2nd Team All County Forward__?. The class of 1945 probably had the most students attend Milford and provided the most interesting class history.
1946 11 members, 5 boys and 6 girls
Superintendent W. M. Swim deceased, No Principal
Patty Allen deceased 2011 married 1946 Loren Britson deceased 2007 1 son 2 daughters, last known address long term care home in Ames, IA
Ida Mae Bailey, Salutatorian, Senior class President, married 1949 Glen Nernes deceased 2003 1 son 2 daughters, married 54 yrs, last known address Ames, IA 50010
Shirley Gardner, Validictorian, married 1950 Milo Bylund deceased 2010 1 son 1 daughter, married 59 yrs, last known address Audubon, IA 50025
Barbara Hansen deceased 2001 married Ray Bartlett deceased
Roger Harper married 1948 Shirley M. Neeld 1 son 3 daughters, married 61 yrs, last known address Datona,FL
George 'Lendell' Manleydeceased 2011 married 1964 Elizabeth Moreland, see page 41, last known address Vancouver,WA
Margaret N. Matters deceased 2000 married Richard Stumbo deceased 2 sons 1 daughter
Donald Morfey deceased 1969 married Waunita Kirby, Died in MN trench cave-in accident.
Loren Riersondeceased 1988 married Kay Carsrud 1 son 2 daughters, last known address Nevada, IA 50201
Mavis Warren married 1955 Blanchard 'Noel' Nelson.3 daughters married 54yrs, last known address Houston,TX
Robert 'Bob' Watson deceased 2009 significant other Dee Munsey 3 sons 2 daughters, married 1946 divorced 1)Lucille Clouser 3 sons 2 daughters
Other classmates:
Lola Mae Arneson deceased 2003 married Dr. Richard Bergeson deceased 2002, 1 son 2 daughters
Arlene Erickson
Marguerite Halverson deceased 2011 married Bob Werner deceased 2011 2 daughters, last known address East Dubuque, IL;
Dean Haukoos
Loren Sampson deceased
Audrey Shichell married John Kooymen
Teachers: 1st Florence Crouch, 2 Gunderson, 3 Miss Tiller, 4 Miss Narland, 5 Miss Narlan, 6 Mr Lee, 7. Mr Lee, Mr Lindberg, Miss Lee, Miss Palmer, Mr Halverson, Mrs Lee, Miss Berglund and Miss Gore were the High School Faculty.
1947 9 members, 6 boys and 4 girls
Superintendent William Swim deceased, No Principal
Millard Anderson deceased 1985 married Carol Darby deceased 3 sons 2 daughters
Harriet P. Comfort married 1956 Chester 'Chet' N. Whitmore 1 son 3 daughter, married 53 yrs, last known address Boone, IA
James 'Jim' Christy deceased 2011 married 1956 Dorothy Olson 1 son 1 daughter, last known address Story City, IA
Richard 'Dick' Couser married 1952 Bertha 'JoAnn' Anderson 2 sons 1 daughter married 57 yrs, last known address Nevada, IA
Joe Harper married 1950 Phyllis Robinson, a teacher 1949-'51, 1 son 2 daughters, married 59 yrs, last known address Colo, IA 50056
Stanley Sorem, Senior Class President, Salutatorian, deceased 2009 married 1950 Martha Weeks deceased 1995 2 sons 1 daughter married 45 yrs, last known address in Mn
Richard Stevenson deceased 2012 married 2)Sally _____ , last known address Lincoln, CA, married/divorced 1)Barbara Johnson 1 son 1 daughter
Dorothy J. Tendall married 1950 Wendell Williams deceased 1977 1 son, last known address Nevada, IA 50201
Lola Mae Tjelmeland married 1953 Marley Anderson deceased 2012 2 sons 4 daughters, married 56 yrs, last known address Nevada, IA
Kenneth 'Ken' Watson, Validictorian, married 1952 PhyllisGardner`48 2 sons 2 daughters, last known address Boone, IA
Other classmates:
Charles 'Art' Cooling deceased 2000 married 1953 Esther DeWoody deceased 2007 1 son 2 daughters
1948 7 members, 2 boys and 5 girls
Superintendent Wm 'Bill' Swim deceased, No Principal
Bill Allen, Senior Class President, deceased 2011 married 1951 LaDonna Webb 1 son 1 daughter, last known address long term care home in Ames, IA
Phyllis Gardner, Valedictorian married 1952 Kenneth E. Watson'47 2 sons 2 daughters, married 57 yrs, last known address Boone, IA
Marie Latham deceased married 1948 Ronald Gardner brother of Milfordite, deceased 2007 2 sons 1 daughter
Wanda Rierson married 1958 Les Kephart deceased 1 son 1 daughter, last known address Balboa, CA 92661
Joan Sorenson deceased 1986 married Wm Bill Cody 1 son
Gloria Warren married 1952 James R. Grant deceased 1 son 2 daughters, married 57 yrs, last known address Newton,IA
Richard Warren, Salutatorian married 1952 Shirley West--see page 208--1 son 1 daughter, married 57 yrs, last known address Ames, IA
Other classmates:
Marjorie Allen married `Shinny' Willage
Everette Brekke
Cooling twins see page 201, 222
Darol Cooling deceased 1996 married 1954 Joyce Kuhnle 2 sons 1 daughter, 4 generations of twins
Garol Cooling married Ruth Jackson 1 son 5 daughters, last known address LeGrand, IA
Duane Day
Jimmy Haugen
Dean Haukoos
Edwin Mann 1-4 see page 74
Dorothy Murrow 1-11th deceased 2011 married 1951 Robert Gulling 2 sons 1 daughter, married 58 yrs, last known address Altoona, IA 5000;
Harlan Nassen 1-11th, last known address Suntree, FL.
1949 4 members, all boys
Superintendent H.H. Harnack deceased, No Principal
Merrill Anderson deceased 1961married Martha Peter 1 son, Died of cancer in March, ISU granted his DVM degree.
Glen A. Brown, Valedictorian married 1950 Lois A Larson attended with class of '51, 3 daughters, married 59 yrs, last known address Ames,IA50010
Charles H. Horness married 2)Delores Renzi deceased 2006 1 son 1 daughter, last known address New Castle, DE, married 1)June Reynolds deceased.
Jack Morris, Senior Class President deceased 1985 married 1952 Jimmie Spearman 1 son 3 daughters, last known address Kelley, IA
Class History:
In the fall of 1937 Glen, Charles and Jack started first grade at Milford Twp and graduated together. Other first graders were Anita Day, Ann Finch, Lloyd Gregory, Lowell Harper, Raymond Hinton, Edna Hinton, Pauline Haukoos, Leroy Kauwell, Larry Kauwell, Alice Matters, Donnetta Rasmusson and Delores Tjelmeland. Class records were not found, some others who attended with the Class of 1949: Rose Larson deceased 2010 10th married Lloyd `Bud 'Warren deceased 2006 4 sons 3 daughters; Doris Moser married 1953 -56 yrs- Ronald 'Dean' Olson deceased 2009 2 daughters, last known address Ames , IA 50010; Virginia Murrow 1-10 married Donald Thomas; Neta Musser-10; Walter Pritchard-9; Josephine Smith-10; Lowell 1-10 married 1948 Marcia E. Barnard 1 son 3 daughters, last known address Harlan, IA 5153 The history reported: Doris Moser -a leader with brilliance & friendliness. Cheerleaders: Rose, Merrill & Jack.
1950 9 members, 4 boys and 5 girls
Superintendent Larry Baldus deceased, Principal Kathryn Boyd Larson deceased
Joan Cooper deceased 2012 married 1950 Kermit Lenning deceased 2012 1 son 3 daughters, married 59 yrs, last known address Nevada, IA 50201
LeRoy Gardner married Mary Jane Banks 1 son, last known address MarsHall, NC 28753
Rhoda Honderd married Edward G. Nerem deceased 2 sons 2 daughters, last known address Roland, IA 50236
Alyce Jane Matters deceased 1999 married 1951 Paul Jensen 1 son 2 daughters
Eugene Mortvedt deceased married Kay Turner 1 son 1 daughter
Dan Needham deceased married _____ _____
Richard A. Sorem, Senior Class President, deceased 2008 married Shirley A. Hobgood 1 son 1 daughter, last known address Ames, IA 50010
Jaunita Warren `04/ M'63 John Behm B4G2 l/k in ILLois M. Warren married Richard Logan deceased 2 sons, last known address Marion, IA 52302
Class History:
Class of 1950 started first grade at Milford Twp in 1938 with 23 students, including 3 cousins Joan Cooper, Lois & Jaunita Warren and Richard Sorem finish all 12 years together; along with others and their year/s: Rhoda Honderd 2-12, Dan 1-5 & 8-12, LeRoy & Alyce 7th and Eugene 10th for a total of 9 graduates. During the educational journey 36 attended, others not listed are:
Jane Allen 1-10 married ___McCoy, last known address Fresno, CA 93720
Martha Baker 3-7
LaVonne Cooling, deceased 5-6
Gerald Dunlaney 1
Vernon Egland 1-10 married 1961 Marilyn, 1 son
Charles `Chuck' Hansen 1-2
Raymond Hinton 5
Connie Jones 1-3
Naomi Jorgensen 7-9 married Ross Weave
Sally Joy Larson 1
Dorothy Olson 1-6 married James 'Jim' Christy deceased 2011 1 son 1 daughter, last known address Story City, IA
Frances Pryor 3-6
Donette Rasmusson 1-5
Jimmy Rasmusson 1-4
Charles Rerabaugh 5-7
Mary Rierson 1-10 married ____ Amick last known address LasVegas, NV 89113
Dean Safly 1-11 married Lorraine ________
LeRoy Smith 1-4
Shirley Smith 1-4
Arnold Sorenson 1-2
Delores Tjelmeland 1-11
Jr Thrasher 5-6
John Wakefield 1-4
Harriet Warner 1-2
Patty Woods 1-4
Donald Zuminvalt 1-2.
1951 7 members, 6 boys and 1 girl
Superintendent Larry Baldus deceased, Principal Wilma Haines deceased
Marvin 'Dean' Crowe married, divorced 1)Joyce McDuffie 3 sons 1 daughter, last known address Ames, IA 50010
Jerry Jacobson deceased married _____ _____
Robert Latham deceased 1991 married _____ _____ 2 sons
Patsy Jane Manley married 1962 divorced 1993 Frank Smith 1 daughter, last known address Layton, UT 84040
Larry Roberts married 2) Barbara _____ , last known address Battleboro, Vt 05362, married 1953 1) Frances Robertson deceased 1985 2 sons 2 daughters
John E. Wakefield, Senior Class President, married Anne C Allen'52 2 sons 1 daughter, last known address Nevada, IA
Robert 'Bob' Williams deceased 2009 married 19'53 Regina Hall 2 sons 2 daughters
Class History:
The Class of 1951 started first grade at Milford Twp in 1939 with 14 students, including three Roberts graduates; Latham, Williams and Larry Roberts, the other graduates and their level/s were: Jerry and Patsy Jane both 3rd, John 4, Marvin 'Dean' 7. A total of 25 attended Milford class:
James Allen 1-8
Earl Cassidy 7
Eldon Cassidy 7
Robert Day l-5
Roger Deal 1-2 married 1958 Margaret Patterson 1 daughter
Franklin Egland 1-9 married Barbara Hayes, last known address Battle Creek,MI
Barbara Fry 1-3
Robert Fry 1-3
Chuck Hansen 5
Mary Harper 1-8 married 1954 Rev Gene A. Lackore 1 son 4 daughters, last known address Middlebury, IN 46540
Connie Jones 4-5
Lois Larson 9-11 married Glen Brown 3 daughters
John Musser 6
Jimmy Rasmusson 4-5
Joel Rasmusson 1-5
Laverne Shickell Single, Des Moines
Earl Smith 5-7
Deloris Tiel?
Wayne Tjelmeland
Delores Wilson 1-8
The teachers were: 1-Miss Charlson, 2-Miss Houser, 3-Ford, 4-Mrs Nelson, 5 Miss Myers, Mrs Smith, 7-8 Mrs Petersen.
1952 7 members, 3 boys and 4 girls
Superintendent Larry Baldus deceased, No Principal
Class History:
Anne Allen married John Wakefield'51 2 sons 1 daughter, last known address Nevada, IA 50201
Florine M. Borton, Salutatorian, deceased 2003 married 1954 Merrill D. Smalley, Atty deceased 2011 3 sons 1 daughter last known address North Liberty, IA
Alice Grindem, Valedictorian, married 1955 Dr Gerald Petersen, Teacher, 2 sons 1 daughter, last known address Overland Park, KS 66209
Rodney G. Hansen married 1984 2)Sue A. Peterson Pierce, last known address Ames, IA 50010, married, divorced 1)Helen _____ 1 son 1 daughter
Roy Hartman deceased married, divorced Jackie _____, last known address in Garwin, IA
Arthur 'Art' Sorem, Senior Class President, married Delores 'Dee' Machskill deceased 2001 1 son 1 daughter, last known address Story City, IA 50248
Donna Rae Steward married 1957 Martin Jacobs deceased 1998 4 sons, last known address Story City IA
Class History:
In the Fall of 1940 the Class of 1952 started first grade with 10 in first grade at Milford Twp and only Anne Allen graduated; Ella Mae Durby, Eldie Hinton & Leon Mucklebust left before second grade. The other grads and when they joined were: Donna Rae 2, Rodney 4, Art 5, Florine 6, Alice and Roy 8. A total of 28 students were in the class, the others and their level/s of attendance were:
Larry Boten 1-5
John Danielson 1-5
Patricia Day 1-5
Opal Durby 1-2
John Finch 1-3
Loren Olson 1-4
Bonny Rierson 1-10 married 1)Merle Hansen deceased, 2)Jim E. Schoolmeester, last known address Loveland, CO 80538
John Dial 2-5
Wayne Tjelemland deceased 2010 2-10 married Mary Ann Twedt
Vernon Cooling 3-4
Frances Breezley 4-6
Norma Jean Gardner 4-10 married 1953 Howard Jacobsen deceased 1988 1 son 1 daughter, last known address San Mateo,CA 54403
Charles Hansen 4-7
Donald Smith 4-6
Dale Young 4-7
Lucille Pritchard 5
John Musser 6
Bonny Rierson 6-10
Norman Rooker 11.
1953 6 members, 4 boys and 2 girls
Superintendent Erving J. Hauswirth No Principal Earl H. Brott
Norman Hauswirth deceased married _____ _____ Helen Horness married, divorced Frank Uballe 1 son 4 daughters, last known address Winterset, IA 50278 Marlene Jacobson married 1)____ Ball 2)Pollard, last known address Des Moines, IA E. Junior Kuhns married 1954 Margaret Thompson'54 1 son 2 daughters, last known address Mesa, AZ Richard 'Dick' Roberts married 1977 2) Barbara Martini 2 daughters, last known address Sadona, AZ 86351, married 1957.1) Alice Hansen'55 deceased 1975 1 son 1 daughter Dick Thompson married Mary Kemmer, last known address Mesa, AZKnown Class History:
When The Class of 1953 started first grade at Milford Twp in 1941 the class included: Helen, Marlene, Richard and Dick who then graduated together at Milford Twp, only two other joined them: Junior Kuhns as a Junior and Norman Hauswirth his Senior year. Few others experienced education with the class
Norman Hughes 1-3
Evelyn Larson 7-9
James Olson 1-3
LaVerne Shickell , Single
1954 10 members, 6 boys and 4 girls
Superintendent Erving J. Hauswirth No Principal Harlan Metcalf
Doradene Brodie married Clarion N. Thompson'54 1 son 1 daughter, last known address Story City IA 50248
Marlin Jorgensen married, divorced, married 2000 1)3) Sanya 1 son 1 daughter, last known address Ames IA 50010, married 1988 divorced 1994 2) Joy Becker Choat