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In the 1954 Tournaments
Three senior Milford girls receive the third place Story County trophy (above) from E.P. Schlindler, Story County Supt, husband of Mrs Dorthea Schlindler who taught at Milford from 1955 through 1959. That's (from left) Doradene Brodie, Ruth Warren and Margaret Thompson in the first row with Jurine Borton, Elizabeth Haugland, Sandra Mortvedt, Donna Sorem, Hazel Horness, Alice Hansen, and Shirley Meyer and in the back row Arlene Steward and Georgia Roberts. Coach Cochrane beams in the top center in his stylish dark sports jacket.
The "M" Club, the Athletes, of Milford Twp in the fall of 1953, the first year Coach Cochrane was at Milford. The girls look sharp with their big "M"s on the hip pocket and the cheverons. Note the three chevrons on Alice Hansen, a Junior who lettered as an eighth grader, and Ruth Warren's left sleeve. Front Row: Jurine Borton, Alice Hansen, Shirley Molde -Mgr., Arlene Steward, Ruth Warren, Margaret Thompson, Doradene Brodie, Coach Ev Cochrane. Back Row: Larry Miller, Dale Carsrud, Marlin Jorgensen, Fritz Morris, Ray Thomas, Clarion Thompson, Fred Neasham, David Allen, Ron Otto. Missing from photo: Hazel Horness, Dale, and Loyd Hughes. Cochrane coached both girls and boys teams at Milford and it was the only girls teams he ever coached.
At the Story County Tournament of 1954, the girls admire the trophy they earned for Consolation Winner. This was one of first trophies the girls had won since their good luck in 1945 when they had also won the County Tournament Consolation Trophy. Back Row: Arlene Steward, Hazel Horness, Sandra Mortvedt, Donna Sorem, Elizabeth Haugland. Front: Jurine Borton, Ruth Warren, Margaret Thompson, Alice Hansen, Doradene Brodie (hidden) and Shirley Meyer. Georgia Roberts `55 is missing from this photo. This 1954 squad also won second place in the Sectional Tournament where they lost to Randall who went on to the State Tournament. These three trophies are the only trophies won by the Milford Girl's Teams. See page 153.
Below: 1954 Sectional Tournament. The girls receive the second place sectional trophy from Roland's Supt C.P. Thompson who was to become the Supt at Milford from 1957 through 1961. From left: Shirley Molde, Georgia Roberts, Doradene Brodie, Margaret Thompson, Donna Sorem, Alice Hansen, Ruth Warren, C.P., Hazel Horness, and Jurine Borton. Partially visible in the second row are Elizabeth Haugland, Shirley Meyer, and Arlene Steward. This 1953-'54 team was, perhaps, the most successful girls team to wear the Milford Red and White. It was Coach Cochrane's first year of three at Milford, 1953-'56.
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