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Nevada Airport 1950- Looking to the north, Old Hiway 30 running left right (west east) at the top of the pix and Airport Rd going top to bottom (north south) at the right- just a little over a mile from Milford Twp.
Indian Hill Creamery Company

In Dec of 1896 the Indian Hill Creamery Company sent their separator to Elgin, Ill, for repairs. Several of the patrons brought their milk to the Milford Farmer's Creamery- one mile west of the Center School. Their (Indian Hill) buttermaker, Mr. Burton had resigned his position and gone to California. Mr Pettinger, a graduate from the Iowa Agriculture College dairy school has the position and is well recommended. See page 24.

Oldest Living Graduates
Caroll Louks, (D'09), the longest lived Milford male graduate we could locate in 2007, was in the largest class in 1932. He drove a team of horses on a bus while in School and lives in Nevada. His daughters, Dixie `59 and Linda `60, also attended Milford. Ethel Burley Davis `29 is the longest lived lady graduate of Milford. (D'08)
This appears to be the senior girls of 1930 as sophomores. Front Row: Ruby Christian, Burdella Rassmusson, Dorothea Kimble, Margaret Hereim, Marie Donaldson, Gladys Hansen, Genevieve Curtis. Back Row: Thelma Peterson, Dorothy Day'29 Nevada, Wilma Moore `27, Jean Frey, Anna Hovland, Margaret Twedt `27, Mrytle Rasmusson, and Supt Pratt. Identification by Ruby Christian Freeman `30. Her "id" includes 2 girls from 1927 and one from 1929. Possibly Elizabeth Skeers, (Mrs Hack Horness) took the photo in the spring of 1927. If, in fact, this is in 1927, then the Supt would be Michelson, not Pratt, or the man could be Ag teacher, Mr F Kilts.
Above Hack Horness and friends pose for an oat harvest memory in the thirties. Below: Hack Horness at the side of a school that may be Number two or four of Milford Twp but, most likely, is one of those in northern Franklin Twp. Pixs from the Hazel Horness `56 Jessen collection.
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