From the Nevada paper of 7 Feb 1935;
Milford consolidated school has always been noted for its active P.T.A. meetings, but Tuesday evening, “Men’s Night” far surpassed them all with a crowd estimated at 800 or more. The spacious auditorium was crowded to capacity with the township people and many surrounding towns, ............ , all coming to enjoy the most splendid program featuring “Men’s Night”. Supt Carl B. Johnson was program chairman and selected the following play, “Last Daze of School” and put on by the following cast of player,

Casper Eggland as the teacher: Mac Allen, school board member and the following pupils: Guy Wakefield, Ray Dulaney, Chas Starbuck, John Allen, Ralph Brodie, Orvil Larson, Hansell Christian, John Lee, Victor Duea, Ross Morfey, Harvey Nassen, Ray Thomas, Fred Preston, Frank Menzel, George Allen and Virgil Duea, who with their zany little schoolboy and girl stunts made it a big success and to say it went over big would be putting it mildly, as it was a most outstanding affair, both as to comedy and the ability of the actors.
Although all filled their parts in a most excellent manner, special comments were made in regard to Casper Eggland as Miss Lilly Primrose, the teacher, all bedecked in glittering long carriage, diamond brooches and long flowing skirt with lace bloque, handled the part with outstanding ability and managed his school in a most capable manner as his erect form of about 6 1/2 feet towered over his pupils
Reportedly 800 folks filled the Milford Gym, that must have been a very tight fit, and in the middle of winter with the accompanying road troubles. The photo doesn’t make it look very wintery but perhaps that is a sheet of ice on the ground behind Casper. The Eglands lived about two miles east of the School. See page 291 for Glen Egland’s comments about this play.
In 1937, when a New York based ad agency wanted an “ideal family” for an advertising campaign for the General Electric Co. they knew where to look- Milford Twp- where they found the Harry Sorensen family. The agency sent two photographers, Morton Berger and Arthur Palmer, who, on a pleasant early summer’s day in strawberry picking time, took more than 600 pictures of the members of the family engaged in tasks about the farm and home. Berger was a well known photo illustrator who had done work for Pathe News films. No photos of this event could be located and no ads could be found that show any of those views.
The Sorensens lived south of the road about a mile west of the County Home in section 34. This is now a Century Farm (1990). Larry Sorensen, who now lives on this farm, is in the 4th generation of a five generation Milford family. In addition to Mr and Mrs Sorensen, the members of the family are the children; Richard, 18-(1937), Kermit, 15-(1940), Marvin, 11-(1944), and Lois, 9-(1945); and Mr Sorensen’s brother, Herman. A few pictures on page 320.
The members of the Milford Merry Maids, M. M. M., club will hold a dinner Thursday night for themselves and a few guests. The dinner is held for the purpose of teaching the girls principles of serving. This was before the founding of the Milford 4-H clubs and when these clubs were established in 1932, the girls retained the name of Milford Merry Maids and formed their 4-H club. See page 241.

This enlargement from a very small 1939 springtime snapshot is one of only a few photos showing the kiosk that sat between the front door of the school and the road up until about 1944. Also notice the hedge planted by the manual training class in about 1935. Note the School’s rural mail box at the lower left corner of the picture.