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CLERICAL or SECRETARIAL: (Also see "Other ISU Staff")

`27 Clyta Graham Henderks, AIB

`28 Olive Christian Borwick, AIB

`29 Gladys Hansen Hattery (John)

`32 Mabel Hansen Alfred (Joe'32)

`33 Mary Eubank, AIB

`34 Virginia Brooks Jacobson (LaVerne'35) R.H.Donn. Co.

`37 Katherine Tendall, AIB

`38 Betty Starbuck Daley, R.H.Donn. Co 20 yrs

`44 Betty Burley Henderson, McCallsburg Sec for Elem, Jr Hi, Board until 1991.

`47 Lola Mae Tjelmeland Anderson, 30 yrs

`50 Rhoda Honderd Nerem, Roland Coop 38 yrs

`50 Dorothy Olson Christy, ISU

`50 Delores Tjelmeland, 30 yrs

`50 Lois Warren Logan, Simpson

`52 Norma Jean Gardner Jacobsen, Career

`57 Shirley Molde Jensen, Waldorf

`58 Shirley Groomes Bauge, ISU

`58 Rita Thomas Gonser

`59 Dixie Louks Fink Honold, for Ed Cochran; banks

`59 Connie Petersen, Drake, Ames Water Works

`65N Kathleen M. `Kat' Haugland Tichenor, Office Mgr Family Farm Corp

`72N Cindy Watson (Bob'44) Lakeville MN Schools

`78 Renee Williams, at Lysne

Also see "Other ISU Staff"


Many graduates have proven to be very capable woodworkers, including Katherine Olinger'45

`31 John Allen, mason in CA

`48 Bill Allen, general contractor

`53 Richard Roberts, cabinet construction

`54 Fred Neasham, home designer and contractor

`57 Dick Neasham, pool construction.


Sylvia Twedt (Amil `33) 35+yrs, most in her farm home.

`34 Barber College, Ray Watson

`35 Grace Tendall Twedt (Floyd `32) UNI

`57 Judith Jorgensen, Paris Academy in Cedar Rapids.

`62N Geri Pauley Biederman 25yrs- also has enjoyed the HyVee Floral 20yrs.

ELECTRICIAN: `41 Kermit Molde. `51 Dean Crowe.


`34 Robert Alfred, ISC, Civil.

`37 Clifford Thomsen, ISC, Civil.

`50 Vernon Egland, ISC, Industrial.

`51 Franklin Egland, ISC, Civil.

`56 Ron Otto, Milford U, "College of Hard Knocks" w/DOT (Attained position with DOT equivalent to an engineering degree, worked his way up from a summer employee.)

`95 Jesse Peterson (Melissa Kay Jacobson'95) Structural.

`65 Rodger Larsen, ISU, Civil in San Diego, CA


`44 Howard M. Johnson.

`54 Ray Thomas, 3M Tools 1979-1999.

`58 Earl Otto for Story County Roads, 40yrs.

`61 Dale Petrus, printer-pressman.


`27 Ray Danielson.

`29 Kimble Peterson, (also travel agent).

`40 Jack Alfred.

`43 Jeanne Stratton Miller Painter, Conn Gen Life Ins Office Mgr 30 yrs; Sup-r of Travel & Pensions.

`45 Wallace Tjelmeland.

`47 Stanley Sorem.

`50 LeRoy Gardner, Chaple Hill College in NC, Vice Pres of Prot've Life Ins Co 1969-'95, Birmingham, AL

`52 Wayne Tjelmeland, UNI, 32 yrs.

`55 Gary Tjelmeland, Ellsworth Community College.

`61 Keith Tjelmeland, UNI.

`62N Connie Brooks Pierce, Sales & Mktg for Grp Health

`64N Wayne Tjernagel, ISU, Owner, Tjernagel Ins, Waterloo

`96N Andrew Allen (son of David'55), ISU, Principal Financial. He serves as Mgr of their Charitable Giv ing Foundation AND also serves on the State and Federal Advisory Council for Juvenile Justice.


`35 Floyd Peterson (Cordelia Gilreath) Ames Police Dept.

`42 Richard `Dick' Comfort. As a Deputy Sheriff and flew prisoners in Phoenix, AZ.

`47 Millard Anderson, investigative clerk with the FBI (finger printing division).

`54 Raymond Thomas, Cop in Nevada.


`30 T.Eugene Thornton, Creighton. Waterloo.

`30 John (Gladys Hansen'30) Hattery

`52 Merrill (Florine Borton'52) Smalley, ISC: BS&MS. Cedar Rapids. Their oldest son David is also a Lawyer.

`74 Steven Larsen, ISU, Lawyer commutes to Des Moines


`55 Georgia Robert Pearson Ames.

`59 Richard Thompson in Auckland, New Zealand.


`80 Shelley Williams Worth, Hach in Ames, 20 yrs

`99 Timothy Hadley, Midwest Cylinder

MECHANICS: `56 Wilbert Hadley, Universal Trade School, autos and tractors and for Rierson 36 years.


`40 Dixon `Dix' Harper, ISU, sports (worked with Dale Williams@WOI while at ISC)& farm radio & TV broadcasting 23yrs; also served as an Audio Agency Exec publisher 1953-'75 and Adv. Account Exec.

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