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SUPREME COURT JUSTICE: T.Eugene Thornton'30, Creighton University, Lawyer. See page 216

PHD PROFESSORS at Iowa State University:

Dr Gordon Bivens'44, ISC: BS, MS, DR. Consumer Economics of Home Economics.

Dr Richard Warren'48, ISC: BS, MS, DR. English Dept.

(Yes, amazingly both received all their education, elementary through their doctorate degree, plus had their university teaching careers all within 15 miles between Milford Twp Consolidated School and Iowa State University). BOTH were awarded "Distinguished Professorship" for ISU in 1983. (See category Notable People.) Note: ISC changed to ISU in 1959.

`52 Fernald- Donna Rae Danielson, ISC: BS, MS PHD was a decorated career ISU Professor. She was the only child of two of Milford's original graduation class in 1927; Ray and Vera Eubank Danielson. She spent much time in Milford Twp visiting her grandparents in Sec 1 and often accompanied her parents to the Milford Alumni Dinners even though she grew up just into Richland Twp and graduated from Fernald. She was a class mate of Florine Borton in the two years the Bortons were in the Fernald School District before buying their farm in Milford Twp in 1946.



`47 Joe Harper, ISC BS, MS. 1988-'95, 7 yrs, Chartered the Farm CAP (Career-farm-Assignment Program) and Ag Bus Program. See 206, 224, 242.

`53 James Olson, ISC, DMAC Boone Campus

`62 Arlen Twedt, Grandview, UI. See page 281, 244, 341.

`66 John Twedt (son of Floyd'33 & Grace Tendall'35 Twedt) ISU. See page 202.

Kirkwood Community, Cedar Rapids:

Charles 'Art' Cooling `47, UNI, BA: IU, MA.

Lincoln Community College, Springfield, IL:

Joel Tjelmeland `57R, 27 yrs.

Southwest MO State, Springfield, MO:

Bernita Jacobson, PHD from ISU in Social Work


ISU STAFF (ISC changed to ISU in 1959):

Dorothy Olson `50 Christy secretarial. See page 272. Forest Petrus `54 1954-1994, See page 307. Bill Thompson `57 grounds See page 77. Shirley Groomes `58 Bauge, clerical See page 198. Larry Hansen `69R. Tim Watson'71RS Supt of Grounds at ISU.


'46 Barbara Hansen Bartlett. Supervisor at Student Center at Grandview College.

`68 Wm `Bill' Larsen, UNI, recognized as an awarded Landscaper for Austavus Adolphust College, St Peter, MN


`28 Arlet Christian Smith, UNI. Principal at Milford Twp School `34-'35, and at Brooklyn, IA until retirement.

`32 Vera Stevenson Tarman, ISC, Drake: Guidance and Administration. Vice Principal, Des Moines Schools, 12 yrs.

`44 Fred Matters, ISTC, Drake; taught at Clemons 3yrs, Jr Hi Principal Harlan 3yrs. Elem and Jr Hi Principal at Iowa Falls ll yrs. Supt at Gladbrook 4yrs. Supt at BGM- Brooklyn 16yrs. A total of 37yrs.

`59 Dr Wm `Bill' Jacobson, UNI, UNI'63, WSC of CO, PhD'78; Jewett Jr. Hi, Evansdale. Asst Prin Franklin Jr Hi; Asst Prin Jefferson HS; Principal Jefferson HS; Asst Supt Cedar Rapids; Supt 10yrs at Marion:40yrs

`52 Florine Borton Smalley, ISC, BS; UI, MS: Guidance Spec & Administration, Walnut, IA 3; Clear Creek 1; original faculty, West HS & NW Jr Hi, IA City Schools: 32yrs.

TEACHERS who attended Milford Twp and taught at Milford Twp area schools. See staff on page 168 and 334.

1882 Charles F Curtiss, Milford No.4, 4yrs.

1896-97 George Kimble, No.3 1+?yr.

`25 Morris Danielson, Luther.

`28 Arlet Christian Smith, CF College/UNI. Milford Twp, Brooklyn, Iowa: career ?yrs.

`28 Bernice Howland, ISC, BA. Columbia College MS'33.

`28 Janette Sowers Peikert, ISC.

`29 Viola Danielson Gilreath, Sheffield School.

`29 Marion Gilreath.

`29 Kimble Peterson, Luther.

`30 Margaret Hereim Gilreath. Taught at Milford

`31 Dorothy Sowers Bielefeldt.

`50 Mary Harper Lackore; career.

OTHER CAREER TEACHERS who attended Milford:

`27 Clyta Graham Henderks. Viola Danielson, Sheffield rural School in Howard Twp.

`28 Olive Christian, U Comm'31

`28 Bernita Howland, ISC, BA.

`32 Vera Stevenson Tarman, ISC, Drake, H Ec, Sci, Eng Fernald, Ventura, West Des Moines and Des Moines:40yrs

`35 Dwight Fausch, ISC, Ind Arts.

`38 Frances Christian Holen, ISC.

`38 Lucile Menzel, UNI.

`41 Doris Bailey Bayer,Dale Carnegie Courses in MI

`44 Marilyn Smith Lounsberry, Drake; Colo, IA

`45 Katherine Olinger, ISC; in WI

`46 Mavis Warren Nelson, Simpson/UNI; Story City 1st grade 6yrs, Webster City 4yrs, Jewel 4 yrs, Dalhart, TX 12 1/2yrs: 27yrs

`46 Shirley Gardner Bylund, UNI; Viola of Audubon: 39yrs.

`47 Charles `Art' Cooling, UNI, BA UI: MS. Troy Mills, 8 yrs, Cedar Rapids Wilson Jr Hi, Roosevelt Middle School: 40yrs.

`47 Joe Harper, ISC: BS & MS; Exira 2yrs, Grand Junction

3yrs, Colo 16 yrs: 21yrs.

`48 Gloria Warren Grant, Simpson/UNI, at Adair Kdg, Nevada 2nd, Newton Kdg.

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