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Milford Township and Proud of It

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Paul and Hattie Comfort

Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort, who lived a mile and a quarter north of Milford from 1936 until 1973, represent to many, a true, heart touching love story.

As they were growing older and had been married for over sixty years, they retired from the farming business, sold their farm and moved to Nevada.

A few years later, when she passed away, he joined her just a few weeks afterwards; many thought simply from a broken heart. During their married life, they never spent a night apart for well over 50 years until one of them went into a hospital. Also page 265.

Hattie and Paul
Wedding Day and 60th Anniversary
4 February 1920
30 Nov 1894
22 Jan 1989
8 Nov 1894
12 Mar 1989
Joe Alfred and Mabel Hansen
Full view of photo on following page.

This photo was taken of an apparently self- c o n s c i o u s Joe Alfred and Mabel Hansen when they were in the first grade at Milford Twp. The photo was taken in front of one of the oneroom schools that had been moved to the Sec 15 site.

Joe's family lived one mile west and about a half mile north of Milford Consolidated School while Mabel's family lived a mile south and just over one mile east of the school.

They graduated together in 1932, married in 1936 and were married for about fifty years. The fellow between Joe and Mabel in the second row is Otis Cole who was to become a long time Milford Twp resident.

The Valentine Joe gave Mabel when she was 12.

When Joe wrote in Mabel's Memory Book when they graduated in 1932, he wrote, " Dear Mabel, As long as I live I'll never forget you or regret that I met you." A couple pictures of Joe on page 218.

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