Nancy Twedt'71 (Floyd'32 and Grace Tendall'35 Twedt) was named the final 1971 Nevada HS Style Show Queen. Mrs Lois Sandell was well known for her fine shows, she was at Milford 1951-'59 and Nevada 1959-'71, her husband, Sandy, Story Co Human Services, was pianist.
Rick Borton'78 (Art `57 and Janice Radabaugh Borton `61) 1965 King of Des Moines Children's Health Competition. See page 205.
Melissa Kay Jacobson'95(Robert`Jake' `57), Story County Fair Queen and 1995 Iowa State Fair Queen candidate.
Jeff Jacobson's'33 Grandson, & Carol Jacobson's'73N son, Scott Collings'99N 1998 Nevada Homecoming King.
Glen Egland's`43 granddaughters Kris Bailey in 1991, and Jolene Bailey in 1994, (daughters of Kathy Egland `65 and granddaughters of Glen `43) each were selected as Miss Hamilton County and were candidates for the Iowa State Fair Queen competition. Kris in 1991, was selected as the 1st Runner-up in the Iowa State Fair Queen Competition.
Alan Twedt`57 daughter, Stephanie Grace Twedt (granddaughter of Amil'33) a 1984 graduate of South East Polk, Altoona, Ia. 1) 1983-'84 selected on the Miss Drill Team Iowa. 2) 1983 selected on the All-American Drill Team. 3) 1984, `85 and `86 selected and performed with the Adventureland Dance Team Summer Performances Crew. 4) 1986 won the Miss Polk County contest. 5)1987 performed for six months with the Zygosolis Dance Group in Nice, France.
Dick Couser'47, Son Bill'73N and family, Nancy, Tim & Casey Couser, as the Couser Cattle Co. won the National 2011 Environmental Stewardship Award for the American Cattlemen's Assoc. and also won the 2011 Iowa Cattleman's 28th Annual Assurance Award
The 1954 "Spotlight", the School annual, was dedicated to Mrs E.G. "Grandma" Morfey.
"Grandma" Morfey's name was Bertha Elsie (Portor) Morfey. She was married to E.G. "Ted" Morfey and they moved to Milford Twp in 1903. They lived in section 33 south of the Milford Consolidated School two and a half miles on the west side of the road. They had one youngster, Ross.
Grandma Morfey's obituary (She died in 1963 at the age of 87) mentions just the cold facts but doesn't mention her great interest in Milford Twp and her sincere interest in the young people of Milford Twp and how she attended such a large percentage of the events that were held in the Milford Consolidated School gym--how she had a warm smile for every student and whether she actually did it or not, a loving pat on the back for those who had succeeded in some task, and the same loving pat for those who might not have done as well as they would have liked to have done. Yes, she was everyone's Grandma.
Her husband, Edward George, E.G., was from England and was among the early school board members in the consolidated school. Morfeys on page 249.