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Some Milford Twp Athletes in Colleges

Vivian Kimble'27, AI (AIB), Basketball See Photo on page 132. Bill Sharpe'38, Drake, Baseball and Football Leon Wilson, Milford Twp farmer, Iowa State, Baseball, 3yr letterman. Played for St Louis farm team Don Halverson'43, Iowa State, Basketball, 3yr letterman, and also played Baseball, NROTC Joe Harper'47, Simpson, Baseball and Basketball Bob Williams'51 Played football for Simpson (never played in H.S.) Dale Hughes'55, Okla Univ. Basketball, AFROTC Jurine Borton'56, Iowa Wesleyan College, Basketball Art Borton'57, Upper Iowa, Football (never played in HS) Pete Hadley'57, Simpson, Basketball, awarded scholarship his senior year Norman Honderd'57, UNI, basketball Alan Twedt'57(Amil'33), Luther, Cross Country & Basketball Dick Neasham'57, Arizona State Champion Tennis Bill Jacobson'59, Grand View, Basketball Wayne Tjernagel'64, ISU, Basketball; full ride John Twedt'66(Floyd'32 & Grace Tendall'35), Marshalltown Jr. College and UNI, Track Dean Twedt'67(Amil'33), Iowa State, Track and Cross County; full ride OTHER: Dale Hughes'55 played the piccolo for an Air Force Band 1955-'59, two of three years in Service. Gene Roberts'62 played in the University of Iowa Marching Band Some DESCENDENTS in COLLEGE ATHLETICS (Also see State Tournaments or State Honors) Jeff Jacobson'33, (Carol Jacobson'73N Collings) Grandson Scott Collings'99N played football for Drake 4 yrs. Fred Matters'44: 1975-'78 daughter Jean played softball at Central College. Fred's granddaughter Cammy Matters played softball at Buena Vista, and was also recognized for the Academic Team. Loren Rierson'46: Grandson Jacob played Rugby for the University of NC. See page 193. Dorothy Tendall'47 Williams: Grandaughter, Trisha'07 who played softball for Des Moines North and Roosevelt will play college softball for Grand View in Des Moines. Bob Williams'51: 1999 Jason Williams (son of Brad'73, grandson of Bob'51) had a full ride athletic scholarship Florine Borton'52 Smalley: 1998 grandaughter, DJ, had a wrestling scholarship at the U of MN and MO Valley Co. 2006 grandson, Brandon Smalley, opted to used his academic scholarship rather than athletic while playing foot ball at Simpson College. Fritz Morris'54: son, Shon had a full ride, 1984-'88, Big Ten basketball scholarship, Northwestern. See page 203. Shon was inducted into the SE Polk HOF in 2009. Bob Jacobson'57: Mike Jacobson`93N, attended Simpson on academic scholarship and played football 4 years. Charles Larson `58, Sharyl Buchanan `59 Larson: granson, Ross, had a full ride wrestling scholarship for ON.

Footnote: Dale Hughes'55, continued playing church league and pick-up basketball and competitive league softball. He knew how to put the ball away in the hoop and was well respected for his delivery in the strike zone as the pitcher. At various Independent league games and tournaments, he was selected MVP numerous times. In 2011 at the tender age of 73 he regularly pitched or played first base and could still place-hit the ball in the Cedar Rapids Church League. In 2012 he pitched a 13-0 undeafeated season. Jurine Borton'56 also plays on the Ascension Lutheran CRCL team. See page 288.

Bulldogs Score Record 107, 109, & 111 Points

Breaking the "old" record of 107, set just a year earlier, the 1956 Bulldogs sank Zearing with a score of 109- 69 on 18 Dec 1955 game on the Milford Court. This was the 12th victory in a row for the Milford Red and White. Miller lead the scoring machine with 31 points followed by Ron Otto with 25, Norman Honderd with 14, Alan Twedt with 12, Art Borton 8, Pete Hadley 12, Bob Jacobson 2, Jack Allen 3, Duane Brodie 2, and Bill Thompson, Bill Jacobson, and Ron Strother played.

The girls game was a nailbiter with the Milford girls getting a come-from-behind victory 43-42 with Patsy Haugland putting in a field goal just 6 seconds before the end of the game. She ended the game with 15 points, Jurine Borton had 26, and Janet Hansen 2 while Janet Rasmusson, Norene Hughes, Hazel Horness, Ber- nita Jacobson kept the Zearing girls to their 42 points.

In "official" games, the Bulldogs scored over 100 points on three occasions. Once in the `54-'55 sea- son and twice in the `55-'56 season. The 109 point effort record did not stand for long as later in the season, 6 Jan 56, there was a 111 point effort against Maxwell.

In the three years that Coach Cochrane was at Milford there were many "pickup" games against teams from the larger schools such as Nevada and Story City. In the 1954-'55 season, the only one I can address with any degree of memory certainty, we did not lose any of these games. In one, according to Dave Allen `55, we scored 137 points but this may have been a 5 quarter game; but, none the less, that is over 25 points a quarter which would have produced a score of over 100 points in a regulation game of four quarters.

In 1956, following the Bulldog's winning of the County Tournament, so the story goes, Coach Cochrane took his County Champions over to play the Marshalltown Bobcats who had won the State Tournament. Our Bulldogs beat them. It is speculated that any of the Bobcats who had earned a college scholarship were not playing because of the fear of injury but this point is not recalled by those who have related the story. Anyhow, the Marshalltown powers-in-being saw what Ev Cochrane could do in the field of coaching and hired him where he remained for five years and took them to the State Tournaments where they won two consecutive State Championships; 1960

Ol' Milford Farmer observe: Seat belt not as confining as wheel chair.
See seatbelt law page 78.
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