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Those Who Served In The Armed Forces (Cont'd)

`40 George Peterson, WWII Army, 1944 KILLED in action
       in France; see Gold Star Men page 193
`40 Donald Rasmusson, WWII Army/Navy??
`40 Kermit 'Shorty' Sorensen, WWII
`40 Donald Wakefield, WWII Marines
`41 Harlan Harper Jr., WWII Navy lst Seaman, Radio
       Operator in Sasebo, Japan, 1944-'46 2 1/2yrs
`41 Kermit Molde, WWII Army
`41 Arnold Nelson, WWII Army, reserves
`41 Marvin Smith Jr, WWII, Pilot, Army Air Force
`42 Carroll Arneson, WWII Army, Teck Sgt
`42 Richard Comfort, WWII Navy PBY Pilot, Flew AZ
       Law Enforcement  Career, 20 years
`42 Leo Tjelmeland, WWII Army
`42 Junior `Guy' Wakefield, WWII
`43 Karl Clark, WWII Army 10yrs
`43 Duane Gardner, WWII, Navy Officer 14yrs, Career
`43 Don Halverson, WWII Navy, NROTC @ ISU
`43 Earl Johnson, WWII Air Force
`43 E. Glen Sampson, WWII
`44 Carroll Arneson, WWII
`44 Gorden  Bivens, Marine Corp WWII
`44 Carl Buttry, WWII Air Force
`44 Fred Matters, WWII Army, Japan 1945-'47
`44 Russell Morfey, Korea -Army Medic
`44 Marvin `Ole' Sorensen, WWII & Korea -Army
`45 Raymond Crowe, WWII Army
`45 Darrell Starbuck, WWII Navy
`45 Wesley Warren, WWII & Korea- Army
`46 George `Lendell' Manley, Korea- Air Force
`46 Donald Morfey,Korea-Army Medic, Heart Break Ridge
       Purple Heart and was Awarded a Bronze Star
`46 Loren Rierson, Korea?-Marine
`47 James `Jim' Christy, US Army 1951-1953
`47 Charles `Art' Cooling, Korea -Army 2yrs, 1954-'56
`47 Richard Couser, Korea -Army National Guard 8yrs
`47 Kenneth E. Watson, 1951 -Army Infantry man in
       North Korea  21 mo
`48 Harlan Nassen, Korea -9th Regiment
`49 Merrill Anderson, Korea -Navy
`49 Darol & Garol Cooling, Korea -Marines, 1949-'51
`49 Charles Horness, Korea -Air Force
`49 Jack Morris, Korea -Army Paratrooper
`50 Vernon Egland, Korea -Army MP-France & Austria
`50 LeRoy Gardner, Navy-got TB & was in Walter Reed
      Hospital, Washington DC, 2 yrs recuperating; then in
      the TB Center in Asheville, NC (where he met his wife)
`50 Eugene Mortvedt, Korea -Army
`50 Dan Needham, Korea
`50 Richard Sorem, Korea -Air Force S Sgt
`51 Franklin Egland, Korea -Army
`51 Dean Crowe, Korea -Air Force Sgt, Radio Op @
       Morris Code 4 yrs
`51 Roger Deal, Korea -Vietnam T/Sgt, 20 year Career.
`51 Larry Roberts, Korea -Army
`51 John Wakefield, Korea -Army
`52 John Danielson -Navy two years

Dave Allen,
Navy Pilot
`52 Rodney Hansen, Air National Guard `52 Roy Hartman, Korea -Air Force Career, Purple Heart, Disabled, lost both legs `53 Richard Roberts, Army `54 Hugh `Fritz' Morris, Coast Guard `55 David Allen, LtVietnam-Navy Pilot, Combat Zone, CIA. See pgs 97 & 245 `55 Dale Carsrud, Vietnam -Army 2yrs `55 Dale Hughes, Lt. Air Force Pilot, ROTC @ OU, Norman, OK `55 Gary Tjelmeland, Marines `56 Jack Allen, Navy, Meze Instrument Instructor `56 Loyd Hughes, Navy `56 Edwin Needham, Navy Career `57 Paul Nassen, Army Germany 3 yrs `57 Roger Thompson, Vietnam -Air Force 4yrs `57 Alan Twedt, Vietnam -Navy Combat Zone, USS Ranger `58 Ed Allen, Vietnam -Air Force Capt 17yrs `58 Jimmie Thompson, Vietnam -Army 1962-'64 2yrs `59 Jerry Book, Vietnam -Army Combat Zone 1st Infantry ground personnel `59 Lynn G Christian, Army, 34th Div `59 Ron Strother, National Guard `60 Ronald Pauley, Navy `60 Ronald Rasmusson, Drake, Navy Postal Clerk `61 Dennis Book, Army Reserve `61 Ronald Sorem, National Guard `62 Bruce Strother, Vietnam 2yrs `66-'68 `62 Gordon Tjelmeland, Vietnam -USAF Pilot 6yrs `62 Steven Waugh, Vietnam 1968-'69, Pentagon 1969-'72 `63 Stephen Brooks. Sgt Vietnam 2 years, Army `63 Jim Cooper, 20 year career Air Force `64 Loren Book, Army Reserve `64 Gary Petrus, Air Force 6 years 1965-'71 `64 Dennis Twedt, Army, Vietnam `65 Virgil Horness, Navy, 3yrs active and 4yrs in reserves `66 Owen Twedt, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class `67 Dean Twedt, Navy Lt. JG, ROTC @ ISU `68 Don Brooks, Army `68 Dennis Otto, Vietnam -Army 2yrs, Purple Heart `69 Dennis McVey, Germany -Army `78 Brent Brodie, US Army Career Afghanistan, 20yrs. `79 Matthew Rierson, Delta Force KILLED 1993-Somalia Conflict See Gold Star Men page 193
PEACE CORPS: `59 Richard Thompson,U of Illinois,- Several Countries `64 Loren Book & Ruthie Horine Book- both ISU graduates, 1970-'72 South Pacific `64 Mark Danielson- South America `00 Zackary Smith- Panama. (Son of Marvin Smith III) NOTES: George Clark'38A was a German POW in WWII. Robert and Leslie Matters received the Purple Hearts. Roy Hartman'52 and Dennis Otto `68 received Purple Hearts. Bill Sharpe `38 Bronze Star at Rhine R Crossing.
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