Milford Twp Military Honor Roll
Those Who Served In The Armed Forces

The following information, hopefully with few errors, has been gathered.
In the June 7,1917, Roland Record it stated "the Registration Board in Milford Twp announced the registration of eighty-one men and on April 11, 1918, it reported 1,528,924 men in the Army. We suspect that the following list is very much lacking in information of the service of men who might have served in the era before the Second World War. For example, we know that in Sept. of 1918 that Milford Township had 83 lads signed up for the draft. How many of these were called to active duty is unknown.
-Norman H. Confare, War Between the States
-John E. Diffenbacher, War Between the States
-N.P. Elsree, War Between the States
-George W. Grove, KILLED 1862 War Between the States
-Jacob Grove, KILLED 1863 War Between the States
-David Hughes, War Between the States
-Ellis Hughes, War Between the States
-Isaiah Hughes, War Between the States
-George Louks Jr., War Between the States
-Fritz Randau, War Between the States
-Fritz(?)Sweringen, War Between the States
-Ed Wilkson, War Between the States
-Lucy Alfred, WWI nurse-over seas duty
-Cleo Bond, WWI

Paul Comfort WWI
-B.M. Boyce, WWI
-Floyd Bryan, WWI
-K.B. Clark, WWI
-Paul Comfort, WWI Medic
-Ora Dearthe, WWI
-Palmer Durby, WWI
-A.R. Dykes, WWI
-H.J. Eide, WWI
-D.T. Finch, WWI
-H.B. Graves, WWI
-Cyrus Grove, WWI
-Rhiner Honderd, Pri WWI
-Edward Kerwell, WWI
-Lars Larson, WWI
-Earl McGrath, WWI
-Walter Montray, WWI
-Andrew Myers, Spanish
American and WWI
-Shell Olson, WWI
-George P. RasmussonWWI
-Ray Riddlenburgers WWI

Paul Comfort WWI
-John Ripley, WWI
-Henry Sacker, WWI
-William Stevenson, WWI
-Casper Thompson, WWI
-John Thompson, WWI
-Guy Wakefield, WWI Army
-Lon Williams, WWI
-Vernon W. `Barney' Beasmore
(Coach 1952-'53), WWII
Army 1943-'46
Army Capt.
-Keith D.Hopkins(Supt1955-'57)
WWII Navy 1942-'45
`28 Wayne Slocum, Navy, 1930
`29 Virgil Burley, US Air Corps
in China
`29 Kenneth `Kenny' Hughes,WWII
`30 T. Eugene Thornton, WWII Navy
`31 Reva Rhodes, WWII Waves- 1943-'45
`32 Joe Alfred, WWII Army Air Core, MP in England &
France, see page 218.
`34 Bob Alfred, WWII Lt in Navy, Civil Engineer, Hawaii
`34 Ray Watson, WWII Army Medic, New Guinea Cam-
paign & the 2nd wave Lepte Invasion of Philippines.
`35 Charles W. Osborn, WWII US Army
`35 Arthur Stratton, WWII Army Master Sgt Medic in Evac
uation Hospital in England 1943-'45
`36 Fay Beal, WWII Army
`36 Joe Burley, WWII Army
`36 Wayne Buttry, WWII Army
`36 Borg Holen, WWII Army
`36 Earl Lee, WWII Army
`36 Lester Shickel,WWII,1941-'45, New Guinea, 43rd Eng
He was notified to be the last to survive his division.
`36 Laverne `Bud' Sorensen, ISU, WWII USAAF, KILLED
1943 near Salina, Kansas; see Gold Star Men page 191
`37 Lester Molde, WWII Army
`37 Edward Sorensen, WWII Army
`37 Richard Sorensen, WWII Army
`37 Leonard Tendall, WWII Marines
`38 Mervin Brooks, WWII Army
`38 Marvin Burley, WWII Navy
`38(Ames) George Clark WWII SAE German POW 3 yrs
`38 Bill Sharpe, Lt. WWII Army Bronze Star Recipient
`39 Walter Jacobson, WWII Marine,1942-'45, active duty
in South Pacific front 19 mo.
`39 Raymond 'Buster' Sorensen, WWII
1940, 10 Oct, the federal government required every man be-
tween the ages of 21-35 to sign up for war duty by 16 Oct.
`40 Robert L. Matters, US Marine 1942-'45 Purple Heart
`40 Leslie Matters WWII Army Purple Heart See pages 36, 193
`40 Donald 'Jack' Borts, WWII Army
`40 Dixon Harper, WWII USAAF PFC 1942-'44 13 mo.
`40 Curtis Jacobson, WWII Army
`40 Leonard Jones, WWII Army