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<------Grad-------------> <------Spouse----------->
1960     9=  5B &  4G
Supt C.P.Thompson         Prin Johanne Finch
Douglas Brooks#**         Marlys Groomes
William Fuss              1)Odessa Pratty
                          2) Kathryn Hey
Gwendolyn Jacobson        Max Lowe
Betty Otto                Norman Huntrods
Ronald Pauly              Mary Olinger /fs/’62
Ronald Rasmusson          Wanda Strum dv
Janet Simonsen            2)_____ Robey dv
Janet Sorensen            John Schneider
Larry Thompson*           Connie _____
xJanet Hansen             Robert Collins
xLinda Louks              Ralph Appelgate

1961    7= 5 B &  2G
Supt C.P.Thompson         Prin Johanne Finch
Janice Radabaugh Borton   Art Borton’57
Dick Coy                  Camilla _____
John Grindem              Dixie Thomas ‘61
Steven Jacobson*          Bonnie _____
Dale Petrus#              Susan Fuhrman
Ronald Sorem              Sherianne Weave
Dixie Thomas**            John Grindem ‘61

#Senior Class President        B=boys
*Valedictorian            G=girls
x= Attended but did not graduate with class.
D= with year of death
so= significant other

Milford Marriages identified in the above graduation list:
Married Classmate= behind name is the year of graduation.
/fs= married a family sibling of a Milfordite
/T= married a teacher and yrs taught at Milford Twp
/cf= married a church friend
/S= married a staff member at Milford Twp.

More Milford Marriages: Also see page 218. Arvid Lein /T1930-’34 Rena Mauch /T 1931-’33 Phil Allen’22 Mary McCall T 1954-’61 Ronald Olson’61 Marcene Sandvick’65 Gene Roberts’62 Kathy Watson’62 Bruce Strothers ‘62 Karen Thompson ‘64 Gary Stratton’62 /fs Maxine Horness ’62 Barbara Jacobson’66 Joe Toot ‘66

Milford had 350 graduates in 35 Graduating Classes from 1927 to 1961, exactly an average of 10 per class. Over fifty-four marriages have been recorded among the Alumni of Milford School and, unbelievably, only one divorce. Of all the graduates, there was not a ‘Smith’ although there were students with that name.

1953 Christmas at Milford School

For the Christmas of 1953 a large tree sat in the SE cor- ner of the Assembly Room. Apparently the ceiling lights that are visible here had just been put in place. That’s Supt Hauswirth on the left, with Mrs Sandell, Coach Cochrane, Mr Metcalf, and Mr Shaw playing the part of Santa’s helpers.

Left: 1953, Mrs Jessie Petersen and her husband, Sophus at the Christmas tree in their home in Ames.
Edit: Below is the only Obituary in the book and is of Jessie Petersen:

“Jessie Bunetta Johnson, daughter of Albert and Christine Hanson Johnson, was born December 12, 1902 near Gilbert, Iowa. She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith by the late Pastor Thor Heimarck while living in the Gilbert area. On June 5. 1924, Jessie was married to Sophus Petersen. To this marriage was born one son, Charles. During this time, Jessie taught school for 34 years, 16 of those years at Milford Consolidated School near Nevada, and the remaining years at North Polk Communtiy Schools. She was considered an outstanding teacher, as many of her former students, superintendents and parents would tell. During this time, Jessie also served as postmistress at Gilbert for five years. Sophus passed away in 1962 while they lived in Ames.

Jessie was interested in her church, teaching Sunday School, Bible School, and was a member of the Ladies Aid and Love Circle. She was also interested in drama and writing original poems. Many will remember her reading of the Norwegian piece, “Sogna,”

“On July 15, 1972, she was united in marriage to Henry Johnson of Thor, Iowa, and they made their home in Story City. Jessie passed away at the Story City Hospital on November 26, 1981 at the age of 78 years, 11 months and 14 days.

“She is survived by her husband, Henry, of Story City; one son, Charles J. Petersen of Portland, Oregon; 2 grandchildren; 3 great-grand- children; two sisters, Mrs. Almina Egeland of Des Moines, and Leora (Mrs. Boyd Michaelson) of Story City.”

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