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<------Grad-------------> <------Spouse----------->
1946     11= 5B & 6G
Supt William Swim         Prin: None
Patty Allen               Loren Britson
Ila Bailey#**             Glen Nerness
Shirley Gardner *         Milo Bylund
Barbara Hansen            Ray Bartlet
Roger Harper              Shirley M.Neeld
George ‘Lendell’ Manley   Elizabeth 'Bettye' Moreland
Margaret N.Matters        Richard Stumbo
Donald Morfey             Wanita ’Wanda’ Kirby
Loren Rierson             Kay Carsrud
Mavis Warren              Blanchard’Noel’Nelson
Robert Watson             so)Dee Munsey
                          1)Lucille Clouser
xLola Arneson             Richard Bergeson
xMarguerite Halverson     Bob Werner
xLoren Sampson            Arlene Erickson

1947    9= 6B & 3/G
Supt William Swim         Prin: None
Millard Anderson          Carol Darby
Harriet Comfort           Chester Whitmore
Richard Couser            Bertha ‘JoAnn’ Anderson
Joe Harper                Phyllis Robinson
Stanley Sorem #**         Martha Weeks
Richard Stevenson         l)Barbara Johnson dv
                          2)Sally _____
Dorothy Tendall           Wendell Williams
Lola Tjelmeland           Marley Anderson
Kenneth Watson *          Phyllis Gardner ‘48

1948   7= 2B & 5G
Supt Wm’Bill’Swim         Prin: None
Bill Allen#               LaDonna Webb
Phyllis Gardner *         Kenneth Watson ‘47
Marie Latham              Ronald Gardner /fs
Wanda Rierson             Les Kephart
Joan Sorenson             Wm Bill Cody
Gloria Warren             James Grant
Richard Warren**          Shirley West
xMarjorie Allen           ‘Shinny’ Willage
xDorothy Murrow           Robert Gulling
xHarlan Nassen            Audrey Jacobson

1949    4=  All boys
Supt H.H.Harnack          Prin: None
Merrill Anderson          Martha Peter
Glen Brown *              Lois A Larson x’51
Charles Horness           1) June Reynolds D
                          2)Deloris Renzi D
Jack Morris #             Jimmie Spearman
xLowell Harper            Marcia Barnard
xRose Larson              Lloyd ‘Bud’ Warren
xDoris Moser              Ronald ‘Dean’ Olson

<------Grad-------------> <------Spouse----------->
1950      9= 4B & 5G
Supt Larry Baldus         Prin Kathryn Boyd Larson
Joan Cooper               Kermit Lenning
LeRoy Gardner**           Mary Jane _____
Rhoda Honderd             Edward Nerem
Alyce Jane Matters        Paul Jensen
Eugene Mortvedt           Kay Turner
Dan Needham               _____ _____
Richard Sorem# *          Shirley Hobgood
Jaunita Warren            John Behm
Lois Warren               Richard Logan
xJane Allen               Paul McCoy
xDorothy Olson            James ‘Jim’ Christy
xMary Rierson             _____Amick
xDean Safly               Lorraine _____

1951      7= 6B & 1G
Supt Larry Baldus         Prin Wilma Haines
Marvin ‘Dean’ Crowe       Joyce McDuffie
Jerry Jacobson            _____ _____
Robert Latham             _____ _____
Patsy Jane Manley         Frank Smith
Larry Roberts             1) Frances Robertson D ‘85.
                          2) Barbara _____
John Wakefield#           Anne Allen’52
Robert’Bob’Williams       Regina Hall
xFranklin Egland          Barbara Hayes
xMary Lou Harper          Rev Gene A. Lackore

1952     7= 3B & 4G
Supt Larry Baldus         Prin: None
Anne Allen                John Wakefield’51
Florine Mae Borton**      Merrill D.Smalley, Atty
Alice Grindem*            Dr Gerald Petersen/
Rodney Hansen             1) Helen _____ dv
                          2) Sue Peterson Pierce
Roy Hartman               Jackie _____
Arthur’Art’Sorem#         Delores’Dee’Macaskill
Donna Rae Steward         Martin Jacobs
xNorma Jean Gardner       Howard Jacobsen
xLoren Olson              single
xBonny Rierson            2)Jim Schoolmeester
                          1)Merle Hansen D
xWayne Tjelmeland         Mary Ann Twedt

1953     6= 4B & 2G
Supt Erving J.Hauswirth   Prin Earl H. Brott
Norman Hauswirth          _____ _____
Helen Horness*            Frank Uballe
Marlene Jacobson          1)_____ Ball D;
Junior Kuhns              Margaret Thompson’54
Richard‘Dick’Roberts**    2) Barbara Hutt
                          1) Alice Hansen’55 D’75
Dick Thompson             Mary Kemmer /fs
xJames Olson              single

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