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<------Grad-------------> <------Spouse----------->
1933 (Cont'd)
Mary Jane Sorensen        Clayde Koph
Amil Twedt                Sylvia Wierson

1934     11= 5B & 6G
Supt Ralph Morgan         Prin Arlet Christian ‘28
Robert Alfred             Eide Solivig
Mary Allen                Homer Vilmont
Virginia Brooks           LaVerne Jacobson’35
Esther Burley             Forest Groomes
Argyle Cole               Virginia _____
Genevieve Donaldson       Eugene Cook
Gladys Earwicker          Allie Torgerson
Lucile Gladis Larsen#     Kenneth Randall
Marion Olinger            Fern _____
Ray Watson                1) Jeannette Johnson dv
                          2) Alice Keese
Dannie Wheelock           _____ _____

1935    16= 6B & 10G
Supt C.B.Johnson          Prin Arlet Christian ‘28
Boyd A.Arrasmith          single
Palma M.Durby             John Beaty
Esther L.Ersland          Paul Englehardt
*Dwight Fausch             1)Joy _____ D
                          2)Hilda Deal Hawthorn
Marjorie Frey             Wendell Strother
Cordelia Gilreath         Floyd Peterson /fs
Esther Hovland            Lester Olson
Ardis B.Jacobson          single
LaVerne Jacobson          Virginia Brooks’34
Arlene B.Langland         George Stewart
Myron W.Larsen            Ruth L.Hauser
                          /T 1938/’41
Robert H.Lawson           single
Lucille D.Prescott        1)_____ Hale D
                          2)Harlan Hopper/fs
Florence A.Rasmusson      Harold Austreheim
Grace O.Tendall           Floyd Twedt ‘32
Elmer Watson              Luella Campbell

1936   13=  10B& 3G
Supt B.G.Halverson        Prin: None
Fay Beal                  single male
Virgil P.Brooks           Maxine E.Cooper ‘37
Joseph Burley             single
Walter Dale               Darlene Sampson /fs
John Edward’Ed’Eller      1)Helen Twedt ‘38 D
                          2)Esther Reise
Mary Hopper               Vere Lawler
Marvin Jacobson           Alma _____
Earl Lee                  Bertha _____
Betty McCord#             1)Laverne Sorensen’36
                          2)Laverne McDonald

<------Grad-------------> <------Spouse----------->
(1936 Cont'd)
Frances Rasmusson         1)Hank Vasey D
                          2)Bill Vasey /fs
Lester’Les’Shickell       Ruth Gildersleeve
Laverne Sorensen          Betty McCord ‘36
Laverne was Killed  in the Army in 1943
                          see page 191.
Donald Starbuck           Gladys _____
xLeonard Dueland,         Bernidene Higgs
x’Bud’ Gilreath           _____ _____
xEd Lodestein             _____ _____
xHenry Peterson           _____ _____
(The class had all boys -11- for their 8th grade)

1937      10= 7B & 3G
Supt B.G.Halverson        Prin: None
Harvey Beal               Mary Helen Oxley
Maxine Cooper *           Virgil Brooks’36
Fred ‘Fritz’ Eller        Betty Berhow
Lester Molde              Edithe Christman
Edward Sorensen           Detcy Brady
Richard Sorensen          Ellen Dwight
Katherine A.Tendall**     Lester Hemer
Leonard Tendall           Marion C.Davis
Dorothy Tesdal            _____ _____
Clifford Thomsen         Lucille’Lucy’ _____
xStanley Ball             Dorothy Farmi
xBob Wheelock             _____ _____

1938     15= 5B & 10G
Supt B.G.Halverson        Prin: None
Mervin Brooks             Virginia J.Heitkamp
Frances Christian         Dr Borg Holen
Ruby Danielson            Clyde Smith Jr/fs
Rhoda Grimsley            Nolan Grubb
Weldon Kingsbury          Mavis Cunningham
Mona Lee                  Lloyd Dickersen
James ‘Jim’ E.Matters     Mildred Hemmingsen
Lucille F.Menzel          Duncan H.Irish
Margaret Nelson           single
Wayne Olinger             Helen W.Inglis
Grace Rasmusson           Curtis Jacobson ‘40
William L.Sharpe          Carole J._____
  (See page 291)
Helen Twedt               J.Edward ‘Ed’ Eller ‘36
Velda Wakefield           Orville Oliver
Blanche Williams          Max Cook

1939     6= 4B & 2G
Supt B.G.Halverson        Prin: None
Ben Durby                 Lois Sevde Stone
Grace Molde               James Helland
Walter Jacobson           Marlys Kratz /T 1949-’51
James McCord#*            Marilyn Solem
Inez T.Sampson            Edward  Rudny
Raymond Sorensen          Sally Hansen ‘43
xJack Alfred              Myrna Carlson

*In the 1970's Dwight Fausch'35 worked at the Linn Co-op in Springville, IA where Jurine Borton'56 Moore taught and had animals on an acreage. Dwight and Jurine often swapped good stories about growing up on central Iowa farms and having such great memories about their rural school etc. Neither realized they were both refering to Milford Twp until after he died.

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