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Milford Twp Graduates 1927-1961
Alphabetical listing pages 342+. Graduates with all known in class pages 276+.
Grad #=Boys & Girls (350 grads; 194 Boys & 156 girls)

<------Grad-------------> <------Spouse----------->
1927    10= 5B & 5G
Supt A.J. Mickelson       Prin Edith Myers
George Allen              Bernice Vilmont
Ray J.Danielson#          Vera Eubank ‘27
Vera Eubank               Ray J.Danielson ‘27
Clyta Graham              Ernest Hinderks
George Hansen             Irene McClellean
John Hereim               single
Vivian Kimble             Gaylon Mann /S
Wilma Moore               Tom Erickson
Margaret Twedt            Ernest Heiden
Huber Wilson               _____ _____

1928     10= 3B & 7G
Supt A.J. Mickelson       Prin Edith Myers
Arlet Christian           Kenneth Smith /fs
Olive Christian           Jeff Borwick/fs
Theresa Donaldson         Franis Lynch
Bernice Howland           Ruth _____
Bernita Howland           Howard Ostrander
Leota Lee                 John Latham/fs
Marie McCafFrey           Elwood/Frey?
Millard McCoy             _____ _____
Wayne Slocum              _____ _____
Jeanette Sowers           Frank Peikert

1929    9= 3B & 6G
Supt G.W. Weyrauch        Prin Edith Myers
Co Supt Kellogg           ,after G.W.’s death
Ethel Burley              Floyd Davis
Virgil Burley             single
Viola Danielson**         Marion Gilreath ‘29
Virginia Donaldson        1)____ Lee /fs D
                          2)Clancy Rielly
Ruth Durby# *             Victor Duea /fs
Marion Gilreath           Viola Danielson ‘29
Helen  McCafFrey          Ben  _____
Kimble Peterson           Gladys  _____
Emarine  Sloan            _____ _____
xDorothy Day              John Allen(not MHS'31)

1930   13= 2B & 11G
Supt Wayne Pratt          Prin Edith Myers
Ruby E.Christian          Dr Adio Freeman
Lois Cooke                Henry Uhr
Genevieve Curtis          single
Marie Donaldson           Fred Heintz
Jean Frey#                Virgil Lee /fs
Gladys Hansen             John Hattery,Atty
Robert Harlow             Lois Chitty
Margaret A.Hereim         Willard M. Gilreath /fs
Anna Hovland              Erling Shold
Dorothea E.Kimble         Ashea ‘Ace’ White

<------Grad-------------> <------Spouse----------->
(1930 Cont'd)
Thelma Peterson           Axel Nelson
Elizabeth Skeers          Haaken’Hack’Horness /fs
T. Eugene Thornton        Marguerite Rahe
  (See page 216)
xCorrine Lymon            Glen E. Gabrielson
xMyrtle R.Rasmusson       Clarence Sampson /fs

1931      7= 3B & 4G
Supt Ralph Morgan         Prin Evelyn Walker
John ‘Johnny’ Allen       _____ Johnson
Louise Hovland            Harvey Tungesvick
Edith Jacobson            Ray Vaught
Reva Rhodes               single
Dorothy Sowers            Vere Bielefeldt
Orlene Twedt              Lillian Thompson
Timothy Wheelock          Marjorie Hansen /fs
xJoseph A.Curtis          Edna _____
xBernice M.Durby          Martin  T. Caltvedt

1932     17= 8B & 9G
Supt Ralph Morgan         Prin Evelyn Walker
Joe A.Alfred              Mabel L.Hansen ‘32
Max Arrasmith             1)Pauline Lemon
                          2)Betty M.Johnson Cox
Rosalma Brodie            Roy Hansen /fs
Lester Brooks             Margaret E.Baker
Lowell Burley             Wilma _____
Franklin Crouse           Doris Sorensen ‘33
Doris Frey*               Ralph Brodie /fs
Adeline Gilreath          1)Edward Field
                          2)Edward Ware
Mabel L.Hansen            Joe A.Alfred ‘32
Caroll W.Louks            Maxine Hoel
Sylvia A.Paulsen#*        Lowell Holbert
Agnes K.Peterson          Loren Vieth
JefFrey H.Rasmusson       Edith Hansen
Vera A.Stevenson          Tom Tarman
Mildred E.Streeter        _____ _____
Sylvia B.Thompson         Bill Lock
Floyd J.Twedt             Grace Tendall ‘35
xEd McCafFrey             Rena Olan

1933     10= 4B & 6G
Supt Ralph Morgan         Prin Evelyn Walker
Erwin Alfred              Mabel Lewis
Geneive Brooks            Harold Myrland
Otis A.Cole               Vivian L.Buchanan
Alvina Dueland            Howard Mosebach
Mary Eubank               Prof Al Nelson
JefFrey Jacobson          Mabel Bergland
Ada Lee                   Dr Henry ‘Hank’ Mott
Doris Sorensen            Franklin Crouse ‘32

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