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1959 Cooks
Mrs Henry Larson, Mrs Vic (Hazel) Pauley, Miss Janice Radabaugh
1960 Cooks
Right: Mrs (Homer) Evelyn Thomas, Mrs (Vic) Hazel Pauley, Carol Frey. Note the organization of the food and there’s a $0.19 loaf of bread on the counter. In 2009 the lowest price is about $1.20.
1961 Cooks
Right: Mrs (C.P.) Gladys Thompson, Mrs (Vic) Hazel Pauley. Were there only two cooks this year or did the High School girls help? No record was found to indicate why the School went to only two ladies in the kitchen. Mrs C.P. Thompson was the Mother of Richard ‘59, Larry ‘60, and Karen ‘64 and her husband was Milford’s Supt C.P. Thompson. Hazel’s family is on page 213.
Left: Janitor Carl ‘Shorty’ Johnson with a couple of the highschool senior girls, Harriet Comfort, left, and Lola Mae Tjelmeland, Class of ‘47. The 1949 annual was dicated to him. ‘Shorty’ Johnson later became the Fire Chief in Nevada for many years.
Additional Janitors
Right: Ray Thompson, Janitor from 1952-’53 smiles for the camera in this Fall 1953 shot. Dad of Jimmie ‘57, Roger ‘58, LaVerne ‘65 and Linda.
Left: Mr Albert Petrus, Janitor. Father of Forest '54, Dale '61, and Gary, '64.
Right: Vic Pauley started as janitor in 1955 and was janitor when Milford High School closed in 1961. The 1960 annual, “The Spotlight”, was dedicated to him.
See page 213.
Right: Gaylon Mann was the janitor at Milford for nine years from 1931-’39. See page 319. He lived in the house north of the School as the house east of the School was not moved onto the grounds until 1946. Gaylon had a son, Edwin, who was run over in the School yard by a student’s car in 1931. Some details on page 74. Gaylon was married to Vivian Kimble’27. Page 132. They later also had a daughter, Glendora, and another son, Gordon. Only Edwin and Glendora attended school at Milford.

Ol’ Milford Farmer wonder; Is it good news or bad news to have a new disease named after you?

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