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Milford Twp

Custodians and Cooks

Some known staff for Milford Twp 1920-’61 and for the Milford site of the Nevada Community Middle School 1961-’91:

Dec 1924 when there was an explosion in the furnace room the Nevada paper refered to Howard Banks as the janitor and fireman.

1937-’38 Supt B.G.Halverson and the manual training class, according to Dixon Harper who was a sophomore in the class, remodeled the house on the North side of the school gounds for the Mann Family housing.

The Custodian or janitor was well respected at Milford Twp. Two of the twelve school annuals between 1949-’61 were dedicated to them; 1949 “Messenger” to ‘Shorty’Johnson and 1960 “Spotlight” to Vic Pauley.

1950 Cooks and
The 1950 Yearbook was Dedicated to the Cooks
Mrs Lon (Emma) Williams, third from the left, was a long time cook at Milford Twp School. She had a formula for cinnamon rolls that was unsurpassed and people who had the pleasure of eating at the school when these were served---Well, they still recall how good they were. The lady on the far left is the Arlene (Williams’45) Kienast, who is the daughter of Mrs Williams. The gentleman is Mr Machlan who was the 1949-’50 janitor/ custodian and the middle lady is his wife. Mrs Williams was married to Lon Williams and they lived many years just a half mile north of the school on the west side of the road. They were directly involved at Milford school from 1926 to 1953 as the parents of three Milford Twp students: Blanche (‘38), Arlene (‘45) and Robert ‘Bob’ (‘50) and until Emma retired as head cook in 1953. The 1950 Annual “The Messenger” was dedicated to the Cooks. Emma’s favorite recipe page 334.
CUSTODIANS/JANITORS known list 1920-’61: 1920-’21 S.B. Curtis(1+?) 1922-’23 F.L.Shearer(1+?) 1924-’25 Howard Banks 1 yr 1925-?? Mr Twedt(1+?) 1931-’39 Gaylon’Jiggs’Mann 9 yrs 1939-’40 Guy Guge 1yr 1940-4? Ronald Good(1+?) 194?-’?? Mr Johnson(1+?) 1945-’46 Mike Dassenko 1 yr 1946-’49 Carl’Shorty’Johnson 3 yrs 1949-’50 Mr Machlan 1 yr 1950-’52 Emery Kuhns 2 yr 1952-’53 Raymond Thompson 1 yr 1953-’54 Robert Nath 1 yr 1954-’55 Albert Petrus 1 yr 1955-’61 Victor Pauley 7 yrs; continued for the Nevada Middle School(5-6th) at the Milford Twp site...

The Cooks were a very important part of the school day to each Milford Twp student. Few students ever carried a sack lunch. In the 1950 annual, “The Messenger” was dedicated to the cooks pictured on the right.

COOKS, the known list, usually 3 cooks each year: 1931-’39 Mrs Gaylon (Vivian Kimble’27) Mann, 9+yrs? 1941-’53 Mrs Lon (Emma) Williams, 12 yrs 1946-’49 Mrs Carl (Leah) Johnson, 3 yrs 1950-’53 Mrs Rex (Birdie) Needham, 3 yrs 1952-’58 Mrs Emery( LaVena) Kuhns 6 yrs 1955-’61 Mrs Vic (Hazel) Pauley 7 yrs, continued for the Nevada Middle School (5-6th) at the Milford Twp site until 1972, 17 yrs in total. 1958-’60 Mrs Henry (Gwen) Larson, later as head cook for Nevada Middle School (5-6th) at the Milford Twp site. Two years each: 1946-’48 Kathleine Matters (‘42) 1946-’48 Dorothy Molde (‘44) 1950-’52 Mrs Glen(‘43) (Ethyleen ‘43) Sampson 1953-’55 Mrs William (Mae) Buttry 1955-’57 Mrs Vaughn (Nan) Thompson 1957-’59 Janice Radabaugh Borton’61(Mrs Art Borton’57) One year each +?: Early 1940’s Beulah Walston 1950 Mrs Arlene (Williams’45) Kienast and Mrs Machlan 1952 Mrs Raymond (Florence) Thompson 1954 Mrs H.H. (Rhoby) Matters 1955 Mrs Albert (Gladys) Petrus 1959 Mrs Homer (Evelyn) Thomas 1960 Carol Fay 1961 Mrs C.P.(Gladys)Thompson

Ol’ Milford Farmer wonder: if jog you gain weight?

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